girls night out

top | jeans | similar shoes | bag | earrings | necklace

On Tuesday night, Grub Burger Bar let me host the most amazing "Sharing Flavors Party" with some of my girlfriends. They truly wined and dined us; there's no way we could've eaten all the amazing food they just kept bringing out. It was like one of those Brazilian steakhouses except we didn't have the green or red light; it was green all the way. We left so happy, full, and ready for bed! A huge thank you to Grub for giving us the ultimate dining experience (a full post on that next week!).

My sweet friend Shelbi rode with me to dinner, and she snapped these pictures right outside the restaurant. I wanted to wear something casual, but still cute, and definitely a top that would hide a food baby. Because, trust, I had a full-term one after that meal. I love this top and want it in every color; it's flowy, the perfect length, and can be worn year round when layered. March came and I'm busting out all the white, I can't help myself. I'm a big fan of black but nothing quite beats a clean, crisp white. Also my shoes are last season from Forever 21 but I linked some similar (even cuter!) ones above.

Bear decided it would be an awesome idea to wake up in the sixes today (he normally wakes up in the nines), so this momma is on her fourth cup of coffee and counting. As much as I am not a morning person, it does feel nice to have actually accomplished several tasks before noon. I'm usually more of the burning the midnight oil type, but Bear couldn't care less. Potty training is finally going smoothly over here so when it's time to pee, we all sprint to the potty. It's exciting! It's the best thing ever! We cheer and clap and jump up & down and act like we just witnessed a miracle. Because after months of wondering when this would finally happen, it sort of feels like we have. Thank you, Jesus.

Can you believe it's already Thursday? This week has flown by. Sending big virtual hugs your way!
xo, Britt