10 things to be happy about

dress | bag | shoes | tassel earrings (Charming Charlie, similar here) | sunnies
Bear's shorts | sandals | shirt | bow tie

I love this time of year. The birds are chirping, the parks are crowded with busy toddlers and sleepy moms, and we're anxiously counting down the days until our neighborhood pool opens (eight, to be exact). It's easy to be happy when the sun is shining and the flowers are all in bloom, but sometimes the weather doesn't cooperate and we're left with staying inside and dreaming of being poolside. On these days, it's important to remember that we are responsible for our own happiness, and there's always something to smile about. I have to remind myself of this too, especially when Bear decides to wake up at 6am on a Saturday. 

Here's a list of things that I keep in my office drawer as a reminder that happiness is a choice, and there's so much to be thankful for.

1. Lazy Sundays. There's nothing better than a lazy Sunday on the couch, watching movies and eating ice cream. 
2. Finally standing up for yourself. This can be not only liberating, but also a chance at self-renewal.
3. Achieving a goal. Big or small, doesn't matter. If you set your mind to something and made it happen, you deserve to be proud of what you've done.
4. Hearing children make each other laugh. Whether it's your own kids or children you see every week at church, watching them laugh and giggle at one another is heart-warming and magical.
5. Putting pieces of your past together and seeing serendipity in it all. Sometimes it takes years for this to occur, but it's a beautiful thing when it finally does.
6. The smell of saltwater while reading on the beach. This, for me, is true happiness. There's nowhere I'd rather be than on a beach, reading a book, listening to the waves crash into shore.
7. Leaving the windows open all day. Zach and I grew up in West Texas where this would've been silly; leave the windows open for five minutes and you'd have two inches of dirt all over everything in your home. Now that we live in a place without much wind, we love leaving the windows open and feeling the fresh air. It's rejuvenating and good for the soul.
8. Making a new friend. No matter how old we get, finding a new friend is something truly special.
9. Coffee & your favorite pandora station. A yummy cappuccino and 90's pop, please.
10. Loving someone more than you can explain. This pretty much trumps them all, and with good reason. Unconditional love can move mountains, and having that love in your heart is a beautiful gift.

I would love to hear some things that make you happy! I left off donuts, sleeping in, and finding a good sale because those are obvious (though not to be taken for granted). We have a busy week ahead and are so excited it's finally the weekend. Hope yours is wonderful & full of reasons to be happy.
xo, Britt