pop of kelly green (and lobster red)

photos by Dede Raad Photography

shirt | clutch | jeans | wedges | sunnies

Happy Independence Day!

It feels a bit like the holiday is over for us, as we've spent the last three days celebrating and are headed back to Houston today. We're used to the seven and a half hour drive by now but we'll still be glad to get home sweet home. Especially Bear who misses his toys and buddies.

I played in the golf tournament I mentioned before with my brothers the past two days and now look like a lobster. I'm sunburned all over and it's all my fault for not applying sunscreen. What was I thinking?! All those hours in the West Texas sun definitely took it's toll. We had so much fun though; my older brother, Shane, kept us laughing and Ryan was a putting machine. We didn't win any money, mostly because I was dead weight, but we had a good time. Minus the whole lobster thing (the boys are bright red, too).

My parents threw me a surprise birthday party with our family yesterday and it was so sweet and special; they even ordered my favorite cake and made homemade ice cream. I'm holding on to twenty-eight as long as I can...I'm in no rush to turn the big 3-0. 

Hope you've had a special weekend celebrating all things 'Merica with those you love! 
Happy 4th of July!
xo, Britt