romper | shoes | bagearrings

photos by Dede Raad Photography

Hi, y'all! Happy Sunday!
We've had a fun weekend full of brunches and birthday parties, even though we all three slept until 10:30am this morning (insert wide-eyed emoji here) (also insert #lazy). I'm blaming it on the fact that we stayed at the pool for three hours yesterday afternoon and wore ourselves out, especially Bear. He's a little fish these days and loves "swimming" back and forth to Zach and me so much; thank goodness his life jacket holds up his thick little self.

I've gotten some questions on repeat via email lately so I thought I'd answer them here in case any of you were wondering the same things. And if not, sorry for the boringness below. :)

Q: Have you ever colored your hair or is that your natural color?
A: I have never colored my hair. I've always wanted to try balayage or some form of highlights but I've never taken the plunge. With my dark caterpillar eyebrows, it might look kind of funny. I did get a perm back in college and that was pretty regretable.

 Q: Where did you go to college?
A: I went to Lubbock Christian University in Lubbock, Texas. Go Chaps!

Q: What kind of camera do you use for your pictures?
A: I have a Canon Rebel t3i and I love it. The 50mm lens is my favorite and I use it the most.

Q: What's one tip you would give someone wanting to start a blog?
A: Just one?! I'll pick two. The first would be to just go for it! Don't worry about being criticized by others because that's going to happen no matter what you do in life. The second would be to make sure you're doing it for the right reasons. If deep down you have a passion that you really want to share with the world, you're the perfect person to start a blog. If you just want to make a little money on the side, I wouldn't go the blog route. You'll never make it if you're only in it for the money or free stuff. The biggest bloggers are all successful because they love what they do and it shows through their work.

Q: What's your favorite place you've ever traveled?
A: Zach and I went to Italy (Rome, Venice, and Florence) on our honeymoon and had an amazing time. Venice was our favorite of the three cities and we hope to take Bear back one day. I also really loved visiting Edinburgh, Scotland. 

Q: Do you have any pets?
A: Sadly we don't. Zach and I both love animals but we don't have any at the moment. We had already put a "downpayment" on a mini australian shepherd when we found out we were expecting a baby, and we decided we didn't need to get a dog and a Bear at the same time. When Bear's a little older, we'll get him a dog. We did have some kitties last year but we were crushed when they ran away (Bear especially, he still asks about them). There's been talk of getting a fish since seeing Finding Dory, so we'll see if, or more like when, Zach and I cave.

Q: When you shop, what items do you save on and which do you splurge on?
A: Oh man, I definitely try to save all around. I guess I save most when it comes to tops and shoes. I almost have a quantity over quality mentality, especially when it comes to shoes. I have so many pairs of high heels and I don't wear them that often, so it feels like a waste to own a closet of Louboutins. Who am I kidding though; I would have that in a heartbeat if I wouldn't feel extremely guilty about it. I splurge on food. Does that count? Zach and I are terrible grocery shoppers. We don't coupon, and we just throw whatever we want into the basket. We go through the check-out line and as the cashier rings everything up we're looking at each other like "Say whaaaa?". We always spend way more than we go in anticipating to spend. But hey, we have really good snacks. Come over anytime and you'll find our pantry stocked with Zebra Cakes and crunchy Cheeto's. 

Speaking of Cheeto's, have you tried the new Mac 'n Cheeto's at Burger King? I know I know, they're gross and weird looking. But they are SO good. Just trust me on this one. I was super skeptical too, but Zach convinced me to try them and now I can't get enough. *This post is not sponsored by BK but I'm thinking now that maybe it should be.

Hope you've all had a great weekend!
xo, Britt