age three

photos by Diamond Oak Photography

Zach and I have six precious nephews and one of them turned three years old today. I made a comment about how there are now three cousins in the "three club", which got me thinking that Bear only has two and a half more months before he turns the big four. How can this be? The past nine months have flown by and it seems like we were just celebrating his third birthday with a big Angry Birds Star Wars bash. As I reflect over the past year, I can't help but feel proud of our big boy. He's growing up before our eyes and while I cry that his baby days are over, I'm loving every minute of this stage and his silly little personality.

Since turning three, Bear's battled the impossible potty training and successfully tackled the feat (even though I started to question whether or not we ever would), enrolled in Mother's Day Out two days a week, and grown a lot. Our big boy now weighs 51 pounds and I'm not sure about his height, but it's off the charts as well. Trying to keep our Bear fed is a full time job and big expense; I'm already dreading the teenage years. We've made at least five trips to the beach over the past year, which Bear loves. He's also gotten to see a lot of his cousins, which is his very favorite thing. 

Bear still sleeps in our bed and we're all three good with that. His favorite snacks are apple slices, "square cheese" (sandwich cheese), and popcorn. He's a HobbyKidsTV fanatic and loves helping Daddy in the yard. He and Daddy also enjoy Lowe's trips together, which Mommy happily skips out on. He loves reading books, especially ones with animals, and wants to wear pajamas all day long. We've converted to stretchy pants only, which are surprisingly hard to find. Thank goodness joggers are in style. Can't say I blame the little guy, all pants should be elastic-waisted. Maternity jeans are the only part of pregnancy I actually miss (aside from the sweet kicks and hiccups).

Last night, Bear fell asleep in between Zach and I in the sweetest position and I caught myself just watching him sleep for the longest time. He's still so innocent and even though he grows up a little more each passing day, he will always be my baby. My big, square cheese eating baby. And my heart is so full.
xo, Britt