big yellow taxi

skirt | top | bag | similar shoes | earrings | sunnies

photos by Laurel Creative

It seemed fitting to title this post Big Yellow Taxi after one of my favorite songs, especially since we're going to the Counting Crows (and Rob Thomas) concert TONIGHT! It's my third time seeing them in concert and I'm just as excited as the first time, maybe even more so. The music video for this song was filmed in NYC and I love the different parts of the city it shows, and of course the overall message: You don't know what you got till it's gone. 

Speaking of gone, I almost got run over by approximately 129 cabs while in New York City. Apparently I'm extremely oblivious when it comes to crossing streets and looking both ways; I've taught my three year old this very thing hundreds of times but obviously wasn't listening to myself. Of the 129 near death experiences, at least half of the drivers yelled at me out the window. "Lady, you gotta look before you cross the street!" was the norm (though they didn't all refer to me as 'lady'). I'd just smile and wave an apology- that Southern charm doesn't seem to work the same on New Yorkers. I blame my lackadaisical walking on living in Texas; I can't tell you the last time I crossed more than a street or two on foot in my home state. Especially not in stilletos.

Zach and Bear made a CVS run early this morning and came back with Pepperidge Farm Pumpkin Cheesecake Cookies and pumpkin spice baking chips. They know me so well. Fall has only been underway for four days now and I've already OD'ed on Pumpkin Pie Concretes from Freddy's. We ate lunch there yesterday (third day in a row) and as I was getting a refill, one of the cooks saw me and said "It's like you love our food or something". No shame in my fast food game. Last week, Bear and I met his friends Carson and Kinsey and their Mom at Freddy's for lunch. Toward the end of the meal, a manager brought over three ice creams and said, "An annoymous customer wanted the kids to have these". Needless to say it made the kids' day and warmed our momma hearts, too. I scanned the somewhat empty restaurant, trying to figure out who would've done such a kind act for children they don't even know. That's the beauty of this life- no matter how crazy and scary it can be, somewhere, there are good people doing good deeds. I saw an older man sitting in the corner,  eating his hamburger alone and reading a paper. Maybe it was him who spotted our toddlers and decided to surprise them with ice cream; perhaps the three rascals reminded him of days gone by and the song in this post, you don't know what you got till it's gone. I hugged Bear a little tighter that day, knowing he won't always be an innocent three year old child who gets more excited over ice cream than anything else. And I explained to him the process of paying it forward, which I'm certain he doesn't really understand yet. But one day he will, and I hope and pray he grows up to be the kind of man who buys ice cream for strangers.

xo, Britt