love you to the moon & back

Is anyone else still reeling from the craziness that was tonight's Super Bowl game?! My goodness that was a game! Not gonna lie, my Negative Nancy side kicked in early on when I told Zach, "It stinks that this Super Bowl in Houston will be remembered as such a blow out". I was soon eating my words (and ten pounds of queso) when the Patriots miraculously tied the game and ended up pulling it out in overtime (like you need the recap- pretty sure the entire nation was watching with dropped jaws). Bear didn't care at all about the football aspect but he sure turned his dance moves on when Lady Gaga sang "Born This Way"- his little tushy was movin' and shakin'. 

A few weeks ago, I had the honor of working with Francesca's and posting on their blog. I was asked to talk about my favorite subject, Bear, and why I love him to the moon and back. As you can imagine, that was an easy task considering this little man is my whole world! I love the photos that Banavenue captured so much that I wanted to share them over here, too. 


My dress is currently on major sale, as are these earrings that are some of my favorites! 
The rest of our outfit details: my shoes / bag / bracelet / Bear's shirt & bow tie / jeans / shoes

In honor of Valentine's Day being a little over a week away, I want to share all the ways (or at least some!) I love Bear to the moon and back.

I love his sweet kisses, sometimes chocolate (or Goldfish) flavored. 

I love his energy and zest for life. I only wish I had half as much!

I love his contagious smile and gentle nature. He's sensitive, like his Daddy, and such a kind soul.

I love his desire to learn new things. Four is such a fun age because they're little sponges! It also means I get asked 487 questions a day (and know maybe 287 answers).

I love his dimples (also from his Daddy!).

I love the funny things he says on a daily basis, and the nonsensical secrets he whispers in my ear. 

I love his cuddles and his soft, chubby paws. 

I love his silliness and ability to make everyone laugh.


But most of all, I love that he calls me "Mommy". 
I love you to the moon and back, my precious Bear.

xo, Britt