valentine's eve

dress | shoes | earrings | bag

photos by BanAvenue

Happy Valentine's Eve, loves! Can you believe mid-February is already here? It seems like just yesterday we were ripping into Christmas presents! I'm sitting here fighting sleep- today has been a DAY! We had around 30 friends at our house this morning for a Valentine's party, and then Bear and I hustled up to The Westin at The Woodlands for a fun photoshoot with my friend Margret and Rachel of RaeTay Photography. I can't wait to share more of that with you all soon! In the meantime, our house looks like a bomb went off and it's gonna keep looking that way for a little while until Bear rubs off some of his energy on me and I find the desire to clean up. We love hosting parties but the aftermath is for the birds (definitely not the Bears).

Francesca's has so many of their dresses on sale for $14.98 right now and I'm obsessed- I want them all! This one I posted the other day is part of the sale, and I have both this dress and this one in my cart right now. Even though that silly groundhog says we still have some winter left, I'm excited for spring and Easter dresses! I just picked up Bear's Easter outfit at Dillard's the other day and I can't wait to see him in it- hopefully the weather will be warm in April because his sweet legs will be bare in the cutest shorts. Look at me...Valentine's Day hasn't even happened yet and I've already jump skipped over to the next holiday. I have a serious problem, you guys. I love holidays! Rather, I should say I love planning outfits for holidays. Though I do enjoy all of the food and festivities that come along with them. :)

Zach and I have no plans for tomorrow as of now- things have gotten a lot more chill around here since having a child. We do want to have a nice dinner out (with Bear, of course) but will probably wait until the weekend when the crowds aren't as bad.  Then again, everyone will probably have that same idea and we'll be wishing we had just gone out on the actual holiday. As for tomorrow, we'll likely order a heart shaped pizza and watch our favorite movie, The Notebook, on the couch. And for the record, yes, it's Zach's favorite too. He will probably kill me for putting that information out into the world but just shows his romantic side. Gotta love a guy who can appreciate a great chick flick and build just about anything you can throw at him. I call him my "Zach of all trades" (the man has more talents) and I'm so thankful he's mine.
xo, Britt