friday five: things making me happy this week

similar shirt (mine from ZARA) | pants | bag | shoes | sunnies | similar earrings (also from ZARA)

photos taken during New York Fashion Week by Ban Avenue Photography

Happy basically-weekend, y'all! Wasn't this week a fast one? We have been super busy- yesterday alone I went to 3 different events (that were all fabulous) and barely had time to sit down. I did, however, make time to sit and eat- that I always find time for! I have also felt more human this week which has been so nice and I'm thankful to be keeping food down for the first time in months. Still not feeling 100%, but closer and the bump is definitely starting to grow a little, too! Bear told me this morning, "Mommy, your shirt doesn't fit. I think your belly's getting fat for baby brother". Thanks, son. Let's avoid the word 'fat', shall we?

We're excited to have a family weekend full of football, projects around the house, and a trip to the pumpkin patch. We're also thinking of heading down to Zoo Boo, one of our favorite times to go to the Houston Zoo. The kids can wear their costumes and there are lots of fun booths handing out candy; there's also a pumpkin patch where kids can paint pumpkins, take pictures, and pet animals they don't normally have out. We go every year and always sweat our booties off- Bear doesn't seem to mind though! We did get a touch of fall-ish weather (by Houston standards) this week and had a few days in the 70's which was a real treat for us. Hoping the cooler temps come back soon and stay awhile.

For this Friday Five, I'm keeping it simple with 5 things making me happy this week:
1. Seeing pumpkins everywhere. I don't know why, but seeing pumpkins everywhere we go makes me so happy! At the grocery store, in shop windows, even in our house- I love all the fun colors and textures of pumpkins and their fall vibes. I'm not a huge fan of Halloween decor but things like mums, foliage, and pumpkins, I love. If it were up to Bear we'd have lots of "scary Halloween stuff" all over our house. He hasn't won yet, but I have a feeling that he will soon.
2. Bear liking school. It was a bit of a rough start for Bear with pre-k; he had to adjust to going 3 days a week rather than the 2 he was used to for MDO and we had several mornings of crying drop-offs, which totally broke my heart. All this week, he actually acted excited to go to school and is really thriving with his work. He's also made several good friends in his class, so Zach and I are thrilled to see him doing so well. Happy son, happy mama.
3. Crepes. I've mentioned my love for crepes recently but y'all- I'm a legit addict. I've been eating at Coco Crepes at least 2 times a week and if it were closer to our house, I'm sure I'd be there twice as much. My go-to order is a crepe with Nutella, strawberries, and almonds and a cappuccino but I had dinner at Coco with friends last night and opted for a savory crepe with turkey and cheddar that was delicious, too. 
4. Leggings. One of my favorite things about fall is the clothes- give me all the knit sweaters, OTK boots, and floppy hats. I like to call it "chic comfort" and the comfort part especially comes into play with leggings. I live in this pair that's a bit of a splurge but worth every penny. I also love these because they really hold everything in and are super flattering. 
5. Crockpot recipes. Y'all will all be shocked, I know, but we have been eating at home a lot more the past few months and now that fall is here, I'm starting to make some of our favorite slow cooker meals. Bear is obsessed with meatballs so we make these once a week, and I could eat this potato soup every single night. So yummy! 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend- thank you for reading!
xo, Britt