bumpdate: 21 weeks


photos by Laurel Creative (taken at 16 weeks during NYFW)

Not much has changed since my 20 week bumpdate but I still wanted to go ahead and document this week while I actually remembered to do so :). The weeks are flying by and I can't believe this pregnancy is over halfway done- when I think about that I start to panic a little because we still have a lot of preparation to do. Hoping that once we hit the 30 week mark, I'll kick it into gear. As for now, I'm just trying to enjoy the pregnancy and soak up all the sweet kicks and punches in my belly! 

How Far Along: 21 weeks

Baby Size: 10 1/2 inches long, 12 1/2 ounces

Total Weight Gain: Down 3-4 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight. Think I gained a pound this week so we're going in the right direction!

Maternity Clothes? Maternity jeans only- they're just too comfy not to wear while I have the excuse! Wearing mostly soft & comfy dresses and it's been cooler this week in Houston finally, so I'm loving tunic sweaters with leggings.

Stretch Marks? Not yet, fingers crossed...I found the BEST stuff at Trader Joe's that I've been lathering on every night so hoping that keeps them away. It's a Pumpkin Pie Body Butter and it smells amazing- y'all have to go get it! It should last a long time and is only $5.

Sleep: All over the place. One night I can't keep my eyes open at 10pm, the next night I'm wide awake at 2am, planning our Christmas outfits in my head. I also took a 3 hour nap yesterday which I haven't done in several months- I was just so exhausted that I couldn't fight it. But today I have all the energy in the world! Seriously, my sleep patterns make no sense right now but when I do sleep, it's deeply so I can't complain.

Best moment this week: Listening to Bear talk about his baby brother and seeing how excited he is for the baby to arrive. He calls him "my baby" and it's the sweetest thing ever!

Miss Anything? Diet Cokes- I normally have 1 a day but I haven't wanted them at all this pregnancy, which I guess is a good thing. I haven't had a soft drink since late June (holy cow- 4 whole months!) which is some kind of record for me.

Movement: Lots!

Food Cravings: Still loving crepes- had some this morning in fact. Also craving carbs and comfort food like potatoes, mac 'n cheese, etc.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Unfortunately still yes. I thought I could answer no to this question by this point in the pregnancy but I'm still throwing up some- did this morning and after lunch. Every day right after lunch, I either feel extremely nauseous and like I need to throw up or I actually do. But once that's passed, I feel fine the rest of the day.

Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: Not yet

Belly button in or out? Still normal

Wedding rings on or off? On & loose

Exercise: Just walks every evening, about 2 miles. Loving this cooler weather for walking!

Looking forward to: Our ultrasound next Wednesday and getting to see little man up close! 

This is a really fun week for our little fam- we have lots of get-togethers with friends and this weekend, I'm so excited to be attending the Create & Cultivate conference with my blogger babes. Some of the speakers are Sophia Bush, Courtney Kerr, & my very own bestie Dede Raad (so proud of you, Deeds!). We also have our big neighborhood fall festival this weekend that we look forward to every year- lots of bouncy castles, BBQ, games, and just a good time. Bear always has a blast, so hoping the weather cooperates. 
It was actually in the 50's in Houston this morning so we busted out all the sweaters, faux fur, and OTK boots. Do you love fall weather as much as I do? It makes me so happy walking outside to a crisp breeze- I just want to throw some leaves in the air and go get a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte. #basic, I know. 
Also want to wish my sister-in-law, Scarlett, the happiest of birthdays today. Love you sweet seester!
xo, Britt