friday five: momfessionals


Happy Friday, friends!! Are you as excited as I am that it's finally the weekend? I thought yesterday was Friday pretty much all day- I even told my grandma that 3 different times on the phone last night and she kept having to correct me. I was either past ready for the weekend or losing my mind one...or maybe both? Either way the weekend is here so there's reason to celebrate!

Bear and I had a photoshoot this morning and then headed to brunch at our favorite spot, Tiny's No. 5, with our friends Alice and Annie. They are the sweetest girls- Alice is a fellow mama blogger and her daughter, Annie, is 9 months old and the absolute cutest. Bear hasn't been feeling that great since yesterday (just a cold), so he didn't eat too much and I let him play on my phone for a lot of the meal #supermom. Which made me think...I should totally do a momfessional for today's Friday Five. Maybe I'm crazy, admitting some of the slacking things I do as a mother but on the other hand maybe some of you can relate which makes us both feel better!

1. I let my kid pee outside...pretty much anywhere. In my defense, I kinda can't help it- he does this without warning and by the time I realize it's too late to stop the fountain. For example, Zach snapped these pictures for me outside of a mall in Dallas and Bear was right beside me (just out of the shot, per his request) when all of a sudden we heard "water running" and looked over to see our child peeing on the sidewalk. With people walking around, in broad daylight. That's not something I'd normally condone, but I will let him dart behind a tree if there's not a better option and he really needs to go.
2. My kid plays on my phone/iPad. I know most of us give in and allow this from time to time, but I allow it more than I should, I'm sure. I do monitor what he watches/plays, but if we're in a pinch and I need him entertained, I'll hand over my phone. There are still the diehard moms that stay strong and refuse electronics for their children- I bow down to y'all.
3. Our son co-slept with us until he was 4 and a half. We have our reasons for this (talked about them in this post), and honestly I have no regrets about it. Sometimes I miss our little guy being in our bed and secretly love when he sneaks in early in the morning for snuggles.
4. I pack Lunchables. For Bear's school lunches, I'm the lazy Mom sending Lunchables on the daily. I do add a fruit- either apple slices, oranges, or grapes, a granola bar, & also a Go-Gurt so he does get a little nutritional value. But think, y'all- I only have one kid. It's gonna be a real sh*t show come February.
5. I suck at potty training. I'm not just saying this, I really do. Or at least I did with Bear. He was 3 1/2 by the time he was potty trained and it's a miracle (and much thanks to Zach) that it ever happened at all. I wasn't prepared for how difficult it would be- hoping baby #2 will be a little less stubborn when it comes to eventually losing the diapers!

There you have it, a few of my mom confessions. At the end of the day, I don't feel guilty because I know, and Bear knows, that I love him more than anything. And really, that's what matters. What are some of your mom confessions?! Please- I'd love to hear! 
Have the best weekend!
xo, Britt