christmas wishes

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Every year when the holiday season rolls around, Zach starts pressing me for gift ideas and I struggle to come up with something I really want/need. While material gifts are obviously nice and it's cliche to say "I just want us all to be together for Christmas", that's honestly how I feel. I know how incredibly lucky I am to have one healthy little boy and another one on the way, not to mention a husband who can do absolutely anything (we call him our "Zach of all trades"). Zach, Bear, and I are going to be at our house on Christmas Day for the first time ever; we've always been back home in west Texas on Christmas but this time we want Bear to experience Santa at his own house since he's really into it this year. I'm so excited to do all the traditions with Bear we did in my family growing up- looking for Rudolph in the sky on Christmas Eve, singing carols together as a family, and of course leaving cookies and milk for Santa. Most importantly, I want Bear to know and love the real reason we celebrate Christmas: our Savior's birthday. Bear loves birthdays and he's excited for Jesus' big day (I'm sure that has a little something to do with the fact that Bear gets gifts, too). 

Zach and Bear have a tradition of getting me a snow-globe every year to add to my collection but this year Zach decided that along with that, he and Bear are giving me jewelry. I know I said I didn't want a gift but what girl could say no to that?! I love this necklace and ring set from Shannon Fine Jewelry pictured above- I find that longer necklaces aren't something I usually buy but when I have one, I wear it all the time. I got one for my Mom for Christmas last year and I always see her wearing it, too (Hi, Mom!). The turquoise stones add a pretty pop of color yet I still consider turquoise a "neutral" that matches almost anything. This set from Shannon's is Zach and Bear approved and that's saying something- they're usually pretty opinionated when it comes to things for Mommy :). I could've just told Zach to grab costume jewelry or something less expensive but he's smart enough to know that fine jewelry is an investment- it's something that lasts forever and we can pass down for generations. I have a few jewelry pieces from my grandmothers and they're some of the most cherished items I own. I don't think my future granddaughters would care much about my jewelry from Target...but I know these pieces will never go out of style.

Aside from being spoiled by my boys, my biggest Christmas wish is to keep growing this precious little life inside of me. I hit a milestone yesterday- 27 weeks which is the start of the third trimester! I can't believe we're already on the home stretch...this pregnancy has flown by and we'll be holding our baby boy before we know it. There's something about the holiday season that makes me take a step back and truly appreciate all the blessings God has bestowed upon us- another year of life filled with wonderful adventure, laughter, friendships, and fun. We couldn't ask for anything more and my wish for all of you is the most amazing 2018 filled with the love of family and friends. Sending you all a big holiday hug as we get ready to decorate our tree tonight!
xo, Britt

p.s. When we were taking these photos, Bear ran to my car and grabbed this plastic fireman hat to wear in the pictures. Definitely not planned but I'd say it goes well enough with the Christmas theme. :)

This post is sponsored by Shannon Fine Jewelry, however all thoughts and opinions are my own.