Paris Recap: part two


photos by Alina Sepp Photography

Bonjour! I'm back with part two of our Paris trip recap (read part one HERE) and can't wait to share the second part of the trip with y'all! I have two more Paris posts planned after this one where I'll highlight our favorite places to eat, some tips we picked up while we were there, and just overall favorite sights. If there's anything specific you'd like me to include, please comment below and I'm happy to do so!

I forgot to mention in my last post that we got up really early Monday morning and took family photos at the Place de Trocadéro with Alina Sepp (who took these photos as well) and I'm so happy with how they came out! Especially considering it was absolutely freezing, in the high 30's, and I was wearing a dress. I had a big coat that I'd throw off just long enough to snap a few pictures then when I couldn't feel my limbs anymore, put it back on. The boys didn't seem to mind the cold at all- Bear was in a great mood despite jet lag+freezing temps so we called it a win. 

Tuesday morning, we woke up super early and headed to Disneyland! I was most excited for this day of our trip because neither Zach nor Bear have ever been to Disney and I knew it would be such a special memory for us as a family. We arranged to have a coach pick us up and take us to and from the park since it's almost an hour outside of Paris and a cab would've been really expensive/inconvenient. It was pretty pricey (coach, tickets, etc.) but totally worth it to see the huge smile on Bear's face all day long. He loved it! Our favorite part was definitely the parades- they were phenomenal and similar to the ones at Disney here in the states. The park itself was decorated so beautifully for Christmas; I've been to Disneyland quite a few times but never at Christmas so it was a really different and magical experience seeing it during the holidays. There was even a Christmas parade and they made it "snow" on Main Street afterwards- it was pretty much the coolest thing ever and such a treat for Bear who's grown up in Houston and never sees snow!

Wednesday we explored the city some in the morning and spent most of the day at Versailles. We had pre-arranged this tour as well since it's also about 45 minutes outside of Paris and we needed to take a coach there. We did a guided tour and the whole thing lasted 4-5 hours; it was absolutely amazing. I can't even begin to describe how breathtaking the grounds at Versailles are- I felt like I had stepped back in time while we were there and everything is so incredibly well preserved that I was almost afraid to let Bear loose in the place. He did pretty well though and especially loved running around the mazes in the garden with Zach. That evening we found a cozy cafe to have dinner and it was delicious- I wish I could remember the name but the only thing I really remember is how much we enjoyed the dessert, a brownie sundae with chocolate chip cookie dough. So good!

Thursday was our last full day in Paris so we spent it doing some things we hadn't had time to do like snapping a few more photos (Z & Bear's favorite), eating all the crepes, and visiting a couple more museums. Bear especially liked the science museum or the La Cite des Sciences et de L'lndustrie as the French call it, since there were exhibits on bugs and "cool stuff". I sat down and enjoyed some hot chocolate while the boys explored that museum- science was never my best subject anyway :). We finished the day off with another delicious dinner and shopping at the most fabulous mall on the planet (I'm convinced), Galeries Lafayette. The window displays alone were right out of a Hallmark Christmas Movie- Bear was completely mesmerized with the self-moving puppets, falling snow, and talking toys. Zach and I were amazed, too! The inside of the mall was a sight to behold as well- the most stunning 6-story tall rotating Christmas tree made entirely of inflatable balloons (you just had to see it to understand how cool this thing was), and HUNDREDS of other decorated Christmas trees everywhere you turned. They definitely know how to do Christmas in Paris. And don't even get me started on the stores themselves- Gucci, Prada, Chloe, Chanel, etc. Let's just say it's a good thing those windows were so pretty since we did a lot of window shopping. :)

We had to wake up really early Friday morning (3:15am) to head back home and were so sad to leave behind our beloved Paris. It was the most amazing trip and I hope to go back again one day.  I better hop to the specific details of where we ate/what we did pretty fast with this pregnancy brain I have going lately.
Speaking of, I'm off to a holiday party with my sweet friend Aimey at Fogo de Chao. If you're never been, you HAVE to go at least once- and prepare yourself for pure gluttony. This pregnant girl is ready to feast! 
xo, Britt