29 week bumpdate


photos by Ban Avenue Photography

I was going to wait until 30 weeks to do a bumpdate but I hadn't done one in 3 weeks so I thought "what the heck", I should document! This pregnancy is passing so quickly and I seriously need to get on the ball- my friends reminded me the other night of everything I need to start doing so I've told myself that as soon as we get through Christmas (NOT that I'm rushing it!), I'll be doing all things baby-related. And I can't wait!

How Far Along: 29 weeks

Baby Size: 15.4 inches long, 2.5 pounds

Total Weight Gain: Up 4 pounds from pre-pregnancy weight (which means I've gained 6 pounds in 3 weeks....thank you, Thanksgiving food!)

Maternity Clothes? Some but still not totally necessary. I live in regular leggings most days that stretch over the bump and regular long tops and tunics. 

Stretch Marks? Not yet- I never got them with Bear so I'm hoping for the same luck this time around.

Sleep: Pretty good actually! Last weekend was nuts- I haven't slept past 9am or so in forever and I woke up Saturday afternoon at 12:13pm. I was in shock when I rolled over and looked at my phone- I couldn't believe I'd slept half the day away, high school Brittany style. Zach and Bear were so sweet to let me sleep- baby must've needed it! I did stay up until 1:30am or so, so it's not like I got THAT much sleep, but still. Quite a bit.

Best moment this week: Sunday was the seriously one of my favorite days ever that I can remember. We just had the best family day doing all kinds of festive things and it made me so happy; as thrilled as I am about this baby, I want to soak up our last few months as a family of three. 

Miss Anything? Not having back pain. My back has been KILLING me lately, especially when I ride in the car. I don't remember having back pain like this with Bear and I feel like I'm not even showing as much this time around. 

Movement: All the time...this boy is always moving. Sometimes it actually hurts he kicks so hard!

Food Cravings: Still loving all the breakfast food like crepes, pancakes, bacon, etc. I'm finally able to eat fast food again and have been craving Whataburger for dinner too often. Zach and Bear are of course happy to oblige (it's their favorite).

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not anymore, thank goodness. Sometimes I'll still feel nauseous in the morning but if I eat something, I feel better.

Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: Not yet

Belly button in or out? Still normal-ish 

Wedding rings on or off? On & loose

Exercise: Not so much...I've even slowed down on the walking. Not by choice but because the weather has been abnormally cold in Houston that by the time I can walk in the evenings, it's already in the 40's. I've kept a cold pretty much this entire pregnancy so I don't wanna make it worse. I do still try to walk every evening that I can for about 30 minutes. 

Looking forward to: Christmas! I'm SO excited to see Bear on Christmas morning; he's been counting down the days and I hope he loves his Christmas from Santa :). He told me the other day, "Mommy, Christmas is about giving." I was so impressed and said, "Yes, baby, it is! That's right." He goes, "Yeah, the more you give, the more I get". I couldn't help but laugh at the sweet rascal. He's got it figured out.

Hope your week is off to a great start! Can you believe Christmas is just two weeks from today? This year has flown by!
xo, Britt