valentine's day party

On Monday, Bear and I had our playgroup friends over for a little "Love You to the Moon & Back" themed Valentine's Day party. We'd been planning the party for about a month- Bear was especially excited since he's obsessed with all things space right now and wants to be an astronaut when he grows up. I initially thought the theme would be really easy to roll with since space is pretty popular with most kids, but I couldn't have been more wrong. Turns out space stuff, especially party supplies, is ridiculously hard to find! I scoured Etsy, Michael's, Hobby Lobby, and everywhere in between but without much luck. We ended up having to make some DIY's, like a planet mobile made out of painted styrofoam balls (which ended up looking like a seventh grade science project) and printables by yours truly (which is kind of scary because I couldn't be further from a graphic designer). Luckily no-one seemed to notice the lack of professionalism on the food labels or mediocre middle school mobile.

The kids enjoyed Bomb Pops (which were perfect for the theme and the 80 degree weather!), got to decorate their own take-home valentine bags, exchanged valentines, and consumed more sugar than they'd normally intake in a week. So basically, they were in heaven!

There were 5 kids not pictured in that group photo so if you did the math, that makes 19 little ones total that were running around our house that day. It was madness to say the least but they all had so much fun and Bear is already asking when everyone's coming back over. He doesn't know it, but Mommy needs a little time to recover. ;)

I laughed so hard today- Bear and I had to do some birthday party shopping earlier and when we were in Home Goods, I stopped to look at the dresses. Bear is always such a trooper when it comes to shopping but today he looked at the clothes with a sigh and goes, "I like the ones you already have. You have ENOUGH, Mommy". He would be correct in that observation, so I had to laugh and walk away from the cute pink maxi dress that was calling my name. Sounds like he and Zach have been conspiring!

p.s. This is the LAST V-Day post you'll see out of me for the next 11 months- I know I've run it in the ground a bit. Now on to all things Easter!
xo, Britt

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