more issues than vogue

photos by Banavenue

vest | jeans | similar pumps | shirt | similar watch | bag

I recently posted a photo on Instagram holding up a mug that says the same four word phrase as my watch pictured above, to which one of my good friends commented, "You love that saying!". It's not so much that I love the saying as I can just really relate to it- I'll be the first to admit that I have more issues than Vogue. It's not that I think my life is problematic; I feel so blessed and truly love and adore the life I've been given. I relate to the saying more in that I am flawed, despite how perfect I strive to keep my Instagram feed or how clean my house is for a playdate. For every image I post on Instagram, there were at least 37 terrible ones taken where I had lipstick on my front teeth or left the price tag on the bottom of my shoe. And if my house happens to appear somewhat clean for a playdate, it's only because I shoved five large Amazon Prime boxes full of random junk into the laundry room ten minutes before everyone arrived. I have issues and struggles like everyone else, I just choose to post and share the non-messy moments because that's part of my job. Brands I work with prooooobably wouldn't be pleased if I posed in one of their pieces of clothing while sitting on the couch, eating Cheetos and watching Gilmore Girls.  With a giant pile of laundry waiting to be folded right behind me, serving as one giant lumpy pillow. And Bear occasionally running by in his whitie tighties. Not that that's ever been a scene at our house......

I make mistakes. I can be messy, especially when I eat in the car (which I do on a regular basis). I am extremely forgetful and have to write everything down or else I'd never make it in life. I'm terrible at remembering names, and I have clothes laying on the floor of my closet 92% of the time (they're clean, at least). I'm somewhat nocturnal and cannot function properly before 10am, which means I'm inevitably late to anything prior to noon. I always have tangles in my hair. I don't really like to cook, which means a lot of take-out and sandwiches at our house. My socks never, ever match. I get lost easily, even with a GPS directing me step by step. I'm a people-pleaser to a fault. I forget to dust the ceiling fans in our house for months at a time (until Z finally reminds me and little dust bunnies are peeking over from the tops of the blades). I hate exercising, especially running, so I've been out of shape for nine years now. I'm technologically challenged which proves to be a major problem for my line of work at times- thank goodness for sweet friends who are willing to help! The inside of my desk drawers currently look like something you'd see on Hoarders. The only food in our freezer at the moment is six different containers of ice cream. And a frozen pizza. It's 1:12am and I just realized that I left the clothes in the dryer from earlier today. Not getting up now, so...wrinkles it is.

I'm telling y'all, the watch is right. More issues than Vogue. But you know what? I'm doing my very best, mistakes and all. And I'm gonna keep truckin', with price tags on the bottom of my shoes, because I really do love this life. At the end of the day, all of our quirky, unique "issues" are what makes this world such an incredible place. And if eating Chick Fil A in the car is wrong, I don't wanna be right, anyway. 
xo, Britt

p.s. EXCITING NEWS, you guys! I'm now officially a regular contributor over at CupcakeMAG, and today my very first post when live! I'm talking about my five must-have beauty products that I couldn't live without- you can check it out here