what happens in puerto vallarta...

Happy Friday, friends!!!
I've been wanting to share an Instagram round-up from Mexico on the blog and am finally getting around to it. Most of what I wore is on sale now and perfect for spring, and the swimsuits are under $20! #winning
More details and a full recap of our trip below!

swimsuit | sunnies | hat


I've rambled a lot about our trip to Puerto Vallarta but one thing I haven't done is really give you guys exact details on our happenings during the trip! It was a quick three days and full of mostly amazing food+pool time, but I'll fill y'all in on how we filled our days!

DAY 1:
We arrived in PV around 2pm local time and Shelbi was immediately wanting to get a drink. At the airport. I convinced her to hold off a few hours and we headed to our hotel, the stunning Westin Resort & Spa, where we checked in and got settled in our room (more on that here). We threw on our swimsuits and made a beeline for the pool because the view from our room showcased not only one but two ostentatiously beautiful blue pools. We spent a few hours soaking up the sun before heading up to shower and get ready for dinner at The Westin's fine dining restaurant, Arrecifes Seafood and Steakhouse.

This was Shelbi's favorite meal of the trip and it's easy to see why- the entire six courses (yes, SIX) were absolutely incredible. From the taste to the perfect presentation, we were wined and dined unlike anything I've ever experienced. We were even served edible flowers in two of the dishes which I've never seen (or certainly tasted) before. The tuna tartare was out of this world and the main dish was the best filet mignon I've ever had (and I'm from Texas, y'all!). The dessert was a delicious goat cheese cheesecake with coconut ice cream. I licked that plate.

DAY 2:
On the second day of our trip, we gave laziness a whole new meaning. We woke up and were supposed to head to breakfast at one of the hotel's four fine restaurants, but instead opted to stay in our jammies and order alllllll the room service. I'm talking enough food for at least six very hungry people. We enjoyed our brunch while sipping on cappuccinos overlooking the deep blue Pacific Ocean from our fourteenth floor balcony. 

When we couldn't eat another bite, we decided to head down to the pool (feeling like legit beached whales) and spend the afternoon soaking up the sun. We ordered Miami Vices, got our tan on, and...you guessed it...ordered more food. We chose guac and chips, more tuna tartare (Shelbi's favorite), and ceviche from Tlaquepaque pool bar for lunch that day. After several hours lounging in paradise, we headed up to get ready for dinner at another one of the hotel's restaurants, La Cascada. 

This dinner was another scene right out of a movie- complete perfection and so yummy. We were served scallops, muscles, roasted duck, banana sorbet, and creme brûlée. The hotel staff was so friendly and an all-around joy; we enjoyed all of our servers and the chef even came out to meet us. La Cascada is located inside the hotel but is open to the outside, so we were wowed with a beautiful surprise firework show reflecting over the ocean at the end of the night. We had plans of going salsa dancing after dinner but decided to put on our jammies and have some good quality girl talk in the room instead. We giggled the night away and fell asleep full and happy.

DAY 3:
Our third and final full day in Vallarta was one for the books. We woke up bright and early for the most incredible breakfast I've ever had- four courses of amazingness in a picturesque pergola (cabana) on the beach. This was my favorite meal of the trip and I'm not even normally a breakfast eater. I couldn't really tell you what most of what we ate actually was but what I do know is that it was divine. It was such a beautiful morning, with a light ocean breeze and steady crashing in of the waves into shore. I'm not a morning person at all but I'd get up early every day if I could repeat that morning over again!

From breakfast, we headed to the spa to get hour long massages and they did not disappoint. I mentioned before that Shelbi and I both agreed that they were the best massages we've ever had- we were both ready for naps afterwards. So what did we do? We headed back to the pool, of course! For naps and more sunshine.

We decided to venture out our last evening in Mexico and caught a cab into Old Town Puerto Vallarta, where we did some shopping at the local market and took in the charming sights and sounds of the city. We wandered around in search of food before stumbling upon the gem of all gems, La Palapa. Nestled right on the ocean with the most stunning view and a menu that made our stomachs rumble, we somehow landed the best table in the house (without a reservation). We ordered lots of food, of course, our favorite dish being the to-die-for coconut shrimp. But our favorite part of La Palapa wasn't the food or drinks or even the most beautiful orangey pink sunset over the Pacific Ocean- it was the live entertainment. A two man band, Paper Boat, filled the night with their perfect harmony and classic covers so enchantingly that Shelbi and I couldn't help but belt out right along with them. These guys are incredibly talented and we couldn't get enough of everything from "Sweet Caroline" to "Thinking Out Loud"- I've never heard better a live duet. Happy couples danced around us as we swayed in time to the beautiful music before heading back to our hotel for one final sleep.

DAY 4:
On our last day, we woke up extra early to soak up our last fleeting hours in our new favorite place. We ran down to the third floor of the hotel to grab Starbucks, blared the Mamma Mia! soundtrack on my laptop, and hung out in our pajamas on the balcony for hours. We had to shoot a few more looks (nothing like putting off "work" until the end of the trip) so we did a few outfit changes before going into a packing frenzy and heading to the airport.

We were so sad to leave sunny Puerto Vallarta but had the most amazing time while we were there! Everyone was so friendly, we were beyond impressed with the hospitality of the hotel and kindness of every person we met. In true travel fashion, we both left saying, "I wish we had just one more day"! The sign of a great trip.
xo, Britt