5 tips for styling the bump

dress | similar pumps | belt | bag

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Happy Monday, friends! Can we actually say "happy" & "Monday" together in a sentence? Especially after staying up super late watching the Super Bowl? I didn't even watch This is Us afterwards and I know, I'm an outcast and you're probably gasping. I've heard such amazing things about the series and I've promised myself I'm going to start it once baby comes and I'm up during all hours of the night feeding. I'm excited to watch it! I need to branch out from my normal Bravo Housewives junk (it's so addicting though!). 

As for pregnancy, I'm still trucking along and hit the 37 week mark tomorrow which is officially considered full term. I can't believe it and we are getting so excited! Zach and I sat down yesterday to make a list of everything that needs to be done before baby comes and y'all, there is a lot. I think we ended up with 19 (pretty big) projects/tasks and only were able to mark 1 thing off the list yesterday. But we have somewhat prioritized and hope to get all or at least most of it done before baby comes. Nesting has officially hit me in full force and I wish it had come a little sooner because now I want the house all perfect and I'm not able to do much. I cleaned for about an hour yesterday and I'm pretty sure I overdid it- I ended up having some pretty steady contractions last night and had to lay down for awhile before they went away. We want you to keep cooking, baby boy- give us a little more time to finish the To Do list, please! :) You do need clean clothes to wear and an installed car seat, after all. Oh and a crib to sleep in would be nice, too.

The last few months of pregnancy can be challenging when it comes to getting dressed in the morning- I don't know about any of you other mamas but I'm so tired of maternity clothes by the last two months of pregnancy and can't wait to fit back into normal jeans and tops. I don't buy a lot of maternity stuff (like the dress I'm wearing above is just a regular sweater dress that's stretchy) but I do have to get really creative with what I can wear and sometimes I run out of ideas and end up wearing the same thing 3 times in a week. After 2 pregnancies and countless outfit changes, I have finally figured out some tips that help me when I'm stuck in a "maternity rut" that I'll share in case you're in the same spot!

Bump Styling Tips:
1. Belt it. Chances are, some of you are like me and don't show much until the very end of pregnancy. I love wearing a fitted belt above my waist that accentuates the bump and shows people "Hey, this is more than just a food baby". In the later months of pregnancy, the belt really helps because if you're opting for normal non-maternity clothes like I usually do, a belt will create a much more flattering silhouette and not make your dresses or tops look like a tent when you have to size up. Don't want to invest in any skinny belts? Look for options that already have an integrated fabric belt or tie around the waist that will be even more comfortable than a leather belt option.

2. Statement necklaces will be your best friend. It's not that you want people to look away from the bump, but sometimes all the gawking and awkward stranger belly-touching can be too much. Or maybe you're still in that phase around 20 weeks where it's not quite looking like a baby bump but more like you overdid it at the Chinese buffet for lunch. An over-sized statement necklace will draw attention up to your face and the best part? It's the only accessory you need (don't wear earrings, bracelets, etc. with it) which makes dressing even easier and less to think about. You've probably noticed that I wear this one all the time but it goes with everything and always gets lots of compliments. 

3. Trade heels for boots or booties. I'm crazy and wear 4 inch pumps during pregnancy, but mostly just for photo shoots or special occasions. On the reg, if I want to dress an outfit up, I'll opt for a cute pair of nude booties that elongate my legs or a pair of over-the-knee boots. This is a great way to still add a little length to your frame while staying comfortable and if you're struggling with swelling, boots are key for hiding cankles! Pregnant in the spring or summer? Go for a peep toe style like these that I have and love (and are currently on sale!).

4. Turn dresses into tunics. One of my favorite ways to save money on maternity clothes is by wearing dresses I already have in my closet as tunics. I'll take a simple striped dress like this one and pair it with my favorite maternity leggings and I'm set! You can also wear your newfound "tunics" with white, black, or regular jeans- the possibilities are endless. This is a great way to use what you already have and not be stuck with endless maternity tops after pregnancy. Ruching is great and all but after 9 months, enough is enough.

5. Have fun with it. You're pregnant!!!! This is an exciting and wonderful time that, as hard as it may be to believe, you'll probably actually miss. There's nothing quite like feeling those sweet kicks and hearing your baby's heartbeat so close to your own. No matter how bad the heartburn or morning sickness, you're rocking a bump and that deserves to be shown off. Wear bold patterns and colors that you might not normally pair together, like stripes with florals or pink on pink. Don't be afraid to try something new or rock a funny graphic tee that reads "Pregnant AF" in huge letters. You do you, girl, cause this is your time to shine and show off that life you're carrying so well! I dare someone to judge you....and pity the person who criticizes a pregnant woman's clothing choice.

I could ramble on all day about this topic because while I've had pretty rough pregnancies, one thing I've thoroughly enjoyed is styling the bump. And while I'm definitely ready to get back into normal pants, I will miss having fun with maternity style because it should be just that- fun. It's not easy growing a human and we deserve a creative way to express ourselves between trips to the cookie jar.
Thank you for stopping by and reading!
xo, Britt