bumpdate: 36 weeks

dress | belt | shoes | necklace

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Oh my goodness, I can't believe we have hit the 36 week (+1 day) mark! I know I say that every "bumpdate" but seriously, this pregnancy has flown by. Today has been a long-awaited day because we haven't had an ultrasound since 18 weeks and have our second and final look at baby boy before he's born today. I feel like it's been forever since we've gotten to see him! After the appointment we'll have a better idea of his size and position which will hopefully ease my mind a little about labor. Bear was 8 lb. 4 oz., 22 in. long so he was a pretty big boy. This baby was measuring really big at 18 weeks but that's been over 4 months, so it will be interesting to see what he looks like today. Big or small, we are so thrilled to hold him in our arms soon (but hopefully not too soon). 

How Far Along: 36 weeks

Baby Size: around 18 1/2 inches long, 6ish pounds (we'll know more accurate numbers later today!)

Total Weight Gain: 13 pounds

Maternity Clothes? Yes! I tried to wear regular (stretchy) jeans yesterday and had to leave them unbuttoned. Even regular leggings are becoming too tight on the belly and I am living in maternity leggings. Still squeezing into regular tops just having to size up one size in most.

Stretch Marks? Thankfully not yet!

Sleep: This is really hit or miss. Some nights I only wake up to pee once and sleep like a rock, other nights it takes me 2 hours to fall asleep and I'm up 5-6 times peeing (TMI, sorry). It's weird because the nights I know I'm most exhausted are usually the ones I struggle to fall asleep most. Also baby boy inevitably gets the hiccups every single time I'm trying to fall asleep and my whole belly is shaking like a drum. Makes the whole concept of sleeping somewhat difficult.

Best moment this week: My baby shower! It was this past Sunday and absolutely magical- words can't express how grateful Zach, Bear, and I feel for everything our sweet friends did for us and our baby on the way. I'll have a post up on it this week!

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back/belly, not having heartburn, wearing normal clothes.

Movement: Still lots! I feel like it had slowed down with Bear by this point because he was so squished in there which makes me think this baby is a little smaller since he's moving all the time still. Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part and we actually have a karate kid on our hands.

Food Cravings: Salmon! I can't get enough fish and I love it paired with broccoli and potatoes. I've also been craving the BBQ chicken (I get it with rice and veggies) and rolls from Texas Roadhouse, so we've been going there quite a bit. Random fact but did you know they have a call ahead seating option? We call and get on the list when we're leaving our house and when we walk in, they seat us right away. Usually the wait is around 45 minutes so this is really helpful, especially when you have kids! 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Feeling much better in this department, thank goodness. I have to eat breakfast, which I'm normally bad about, or there's a good chance I'll lose my lunch. 

Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: A few Braxton Hicks but that's it. I had them really bad last weekend in the car on the way to Galveston and after awhile I started thinking, "Oh great, I hope we don't have to find a hospital in Galveston because these contractions won't stop!". Thankfully they eventually did and my doctor said that was normal. 

Belly button in or out? Still in but straining to stay that way. Bear says my belly button is "huge". Thanks, son. 

Wedding rings on or off? On & loose

Exercise: Walking for 45 minutes every evening

Looking forward to: Today's appointment! Can you tell I'm just a little bit excited to get a glimpse at the baby?

This week is flying by for us- do you feel the same? Headed to a meeting shortly and I'm so excited for all the exciting things happening on the blog in February! I can't wait for you all to see!
xo, Britt