friday five: thankful for

sweater | boots | jeans | sunnies | bag

Happy Friday, friends! I hope you’ve all had an amazing week so far and if you’re like me, are very excited for the weekend. It feels like this week has flown by for us and I can’t believe it’s already almost December. I was thinking about our Vegas trip last night and could not wrap my head around the fact that it’s been almost 2 months since we were there. “They” say time flies once you have kids and it’s no joke….I feel like Boone was just born a couple weeks ago yet somehow it’s been 9 months. All this to say, I’m behind on two things-
1. I haven’t done a Friday Five post in months
2. Thanksgiving was last week and I’m just now getting around to sharing what I’m thankful for

Honestly this list could be very long because y’all know I love to get wordy, but I will try and keep it as short as possible so you won’t be yawning by the end. And because I have a little Boonester at my heels who is ready to play!

Feeling thankful for:
1. My boys. All 3 of them. No day is ever boring and they are the sweetest boys I could ever ask for. Love them so much and can’t even believe they’re mine.
2. Family & friends. Looped these two together because our close friends are family. My parents basically babysat for me all last week while we were home while I was able to work and get some rest and it was amazing. We have so many sweet friends who have shown love, support, and brought endless meals this year since having Boone. Zach and I both have been blown away by it and if any of you are reading this, we can’t say thank you enough.
3. Health. I’ve had 2 friends lose their babies this year, and I have not and might never get over it. What I have learned is to appreciate each day and be thankful for this life, my family’s health, and each day we’re given.
4. Freedom. If there’s one thing the recent elections taught me, it’s how lucky we are to live in a nation where we can have freedom to express our beliefs, religion, and ideas. So many people in this world don’t ever get to experience the freedoms we take for granted daily.
5. Travel. This goes along with the health that affords us to travel, but I’m thankful for the ability to take Bear and Boone to see new places. While we don’t get to travel as much as I’d like (I would take a trip monthly if possible!), each time we go opens all of our eyes to new cultures, experiences, and ways of life. It’s a learning opportunity beyond what any textbook could ever teach and I hope we always have the ability to go out and see the world.

What are you feeling thankful for this last day of November?
If I could add a #6, it would most certainly be that I’m thankful for each and every one of you. Getting to stay and home with Bear & Boone and blog is something that I don’t take for granted and the reason I can do it is because of you. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Sending each of you a big virtual hug.
xo, Britt