instagram round-up

I'm typing this post from the Target cafe- seriously contemplating a personal pepperoni pizza (post-dinner) and trying to get some work done while my Mama gets ingredients to make us pumpkin bread. She's here visiting for the week and helping with Bear and Boone- I can't even begin to explain what a lifesaver she's been. I mean, the woman was vacuuming at 8am this morning. She's a saint and we're going to be seriously missing her come next week. Lisa, my MIL, was here last week and a huge help as well. We couldn't have survived these first few weeks as a family of four without them. If you're reading this Duke and Grammy, we love you both and can't thank you enough for all your help!

Oh and I guess I should mention why we're at Target...our cable and internet went out yesterday around 3pm so we've been living in the dark ages (#overdramatic). Hoping to have it fixed soon because having no TV and internet when you work from home with a 5 year old can be a bit challenging. Plus I need me some Real Housewives during those 4am feedings so I'll stop ordering all the things via Amazon Prime on my phone. 

I wanted to do an Instagram round-up since A- I haven't done one in awhile and B-I'm low on content post-baby. Hoping to do some shoots soon and have some new posts for you guys but until then, here are some recent looks and links!


Bear's shirt | jeans | sneakers | similar hat
my similar sneakers | leggings | top | necklace


Headed to go grab some more newborn diapers (seriously, never enough diapers), all the Easter candy (my all-time fav), and TUCKS....ahhh, life a week postpartum. I am thankful to be healing well and despite the lack of sleep, loving every minute with our snuggly baby boy (and his big "helpful" brother).
xo, Britt