boone: two months


Height: 23 1/2 in. (71st percentile)
Weight: 13 lb. 7 oz. (80th percentile) (EXACT same as Bear at his 2 month check-up!)
Head Circumference: 15 3/4 in. (77th percentile)

Boone, or "The Boonster" as we often refer to him, is officially two months old today and I can't believe it. It's true what they say- the days drag on but the years fly by. It feels like just yesterday we were coming home from the hospital as a family of four. Time seriously needs to slow down! I had prepared myself that life would be pretty crazy for awhile after we added a new addition to the family but honestly, it's been a much easier transition that I anticipated. Boone is a relatively easy baby so far (knock on wood) and Bear has adjusted really well, so we've been lucky. We are loving this sweet stage with our newborn as he's starting to smile, coo, and come into his personality (and still can't move). I looked back at Bear's two month update here and couldn't believe how much these two have in common already!

Things to remember:
-Boone is in size 1 diapers but NEEDS to be in size 2 desperately, we are just trying to finish off the 1s we have before moving up. He's a big boy! You read up above that he's the exact same weight as Bear was at this point, but Bear had a little head start since he was bigger at birth.
-Boone is a good little sleeper, though he still wakes up several times during the night and goes right back to sleep. Our normal nightly routine pretty much since coming home from the hospital has been a feed around 9pm and put Boone down in his crib (by our bed) at 9:30pm. He sleeps about 4 hours and then wakes up to eat around 1:30am, then I put him in the bed with us where he dream feeds every 3 hours or so until morning. He's ready to get up around 9am, stays awake for an hour or so, then naps on and off throughout the day.
-We have had to put away all newborn size clothing which makes my mama heart so sad...I love all those teeny tiny onesies! Boone is wearing mostly 3 month clothing now and some 3-6 months.
-Boone is exclusively breastfeeding and eats pretty much constantly throughout the day. The doctor said that because he's tongue-tied, he's more apt to be a snacker and he is just that, rarely going more than 2 hours without eating. I haven't started pumping yet which surprises me because I had at this point with Bear and I'm much busier now with two than I was with one child. I'm sure I'll get it out soon but I'm secretly enjoying having a reason to bring Boone everywhere I go. :)
-He does well in the car, sleeping most of the time as soon as we take off. But if he's awake and we're not moving, you can bet he's gonna let me know he's not thrilled about it. 
-Boone has a pretty laid-back demeanor so far and doesn't cry very often. He's definitely in his best mood in the morning and gets a little grumpier as the day goes on, mostly fussy the last hour before bedtime. 
-He HATES pacifiers which came as a shock to us. I'd always heard other parents talk about how their kids wouldn't take a paci and found it hard to believe since Bear was sucking on a pacifier from day one, but I realize now exactly what they meant. Boone will spit it out constantly and shove his tongue in the way so you can't even get the paci in his mouth. If he's really upset you can get him to take one but never for more than a couple minutes. He's just not a fan and it's frustrating at times because I feel like I'm the only one who can pacify him by nursing. But, I'm sure we will be glad later on when it's one less habit we have to break (though Bear stopped cold turkey with no problems at age 2).
-The swing has been a life-saver for us- Boone loves it and takes a lot of his daytime naps in the swing. We actually ordered it off Amazon Prime the day before we came home from the hospital when we realized we didn't have one....and thank goodness we finally thought of it! It's been a lifesaver while I'm getting ready in the morning.
-Boone doesn't spit up much (famous last words, right?) or at least it doesn't seem like he does because Bear had reflux and spit up constantly. He is a pretty gassy baby but then again, he is a boy. :) And I'm used to those!

We are so in love with this baby boy and can't wait to see what fun the next month brings!
xo, Britt