summer vibes

my gingham swimsuit | sunglasses 
Boone's swimsuit | hat

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

I can't stop wearing red, white, and blue lately and I'm pretty sure it's because I'm so excited for summer! While Memorial Day isn't a "happy" holiday, I do think it's a very important day as we take time to remember those who died serving in our nation's armed forces. It's always a fun weekend for our family as we usually all gather back home with our family and celebrate several May birthdays: Zach, his Dad, and my sweet Momma. It's also the kick-off to summer which Bear loves now that he's a little fish who wants to hit up the pool all the time! 

The 4th of July has also always been such a special holiday for our family. Growing up, my parents took us to Jackson Hole, Wyoming every summer to celebrate Independence Day and it was such a blast- we started the day off with the best parade, then a yummy lunch, shopping around town, and the most incredible firework show at night. In Jackson, they shoot the fireworks off the side of a mountain and it's called Jackson "Hole" because it's in a literal hole surrounded by mountains. For that reason the fireworks echo like crazy and it has the most spectacular effect that's magical for a child (or anyone!). I hope to take my boys there one summer soon, but for now we go back home to be with all our family for the 4th, similar to Memorial Day Weekend. It's one of our favorite weekends of the year since all of our siblings are there too and we have started several fun traditions. Bear rides in the Roscoe parade with his cousins (they love to throw/eat all the candy), we eat BBQ at Zach's brother's restaurant, I play in a golf tournament with both of my brothers, and we enjoy a concert/fireworks "on the bricks". Last year, Shooter Jennings and his band played and it was probably my favorite 4th of July to date. We also announced to all of our family that we were expecting that weekend! Gathering "on the bricks" is especially neat since my great grandfather laid the bricks on the streets of Roscoe during the Great Depression and we sit on those same bricks with his daughter, my grandmother, to celebrate the 4th of July every year. Generations of memories in that exact spot.

We are so excited for another adventure-filled summer, especially now that there's a new baby boy in town! Can't wait to get Bear & Boone all decked out in their red, white, and blue and make more sweet memories this summer!
What are some of your favorite summer traditions?
xo, Britt