pink gingham

top- ASOS | shorts- ASOS | earrings wedges | bag | sunglasses

photos by Ban Avenue Photography 

As I'm sure you already know, the gingham trend is still going strong this spring and summer and I couldn't be happier about it. I love me some checked clothing, especially when I can find it in a nontraditional color like pink. I wear the typical red and black gingham too of course, but the color pink will forever have my heart! I try to get my boys to wear it as much as I can too but Zach will only allow so much. :)

This week has been a crazy busy one for us- it feels like we have just been jumping from one activity to the next and it makes the time fly by with which I have a love hate relationship. In some ways, I'm ready to be past the newborn sleep phase of waking up all through the night and never getting more than 3-4 hours of consecutive sleep. But really, I will miss this stage so much and hate how quickly it's passing- Boone will be 7 weeks old on Saturday already! How is that even possible?! 

Several people have asked how Bear is adjusting to having a new family member and honestly, he's done great so far. I think his age (5 1/2) has something to do with it because he's old enough to understand everything that's going on and looks forward to having a playmate and buddy. The only problems we've had are when Bear is "too" helpful- sometimes he underestimates his own strength when trying to assist with Baby Boone. The other day, a FedEx package came that I had to sign for and I couldn't manage holding Boone while doing it, so I had to lay him down for a second (right beside me) while I signed and got the big box in the house. When I turned to pick Boone up, Bear was standing there with his brother in his arms saying, "Look Mommy, I'm watching Baby Boone for you". You can imagine my panic but I tried to remain calm so Bear wouldn't just drop him; luckily we had a smooth passing of the baby without anyone getting injured in the process. I couldn't be mad at Bear because he really thought he was helping but we had a good talk afterwards about not holding the baby without Mommy's permission. In a few years when I actually want him to babysit, THEN he won't be interested anymore. That's how it works, right?

Off to go snuggle my boys before bedtime- I keep saying how fast the days are passing but it's so true. I want to soak up every moment of this precious time! And also I want to soak up some sleep. But I'll take whatever I can get and just chug all the coffee in the process.
xo, Britt