boone: six months

height: 27 1/2 inches (78th percentile)
weight: 19 lb. 10 oz. (84th percentile)
head circumference: 17 3/4 inches (91st percentile)

Oh Baby Boone, how are you already 6 months old?! Time has flown like no other and I feel so emotional that your "half birthday" has come and gone. It feels like just yesterday we were stalling on going to the hospital, eating Chick Fil A in the kitchen mid-contractions and completely clueless just how full our hearts would be a mere 7 hours later. You have filled our home with so much love, laughter, and joy- you are the sweetest baby and we are all completely obsessed with you. You think your brother is hilarious and laugh at him at least 50 times a day- it's the cutest thing and Bear definitely enjoys it, too. We are thankful for how laid-back and easy going you are since it's been a wild ride the past 6 months, but you have managed to make it the best spring and summer yet. We love you, Boone Thomas.

Things to remember:
-You LOVE sweet potatoes. They are your literal jam. You'll eat pretty much anything though- avocado, squash, zucchini, pumpkin, don't always love it but you'll chow down on anything we give you.
-You belly laugh at almost anything Bear does. You think it's funniest when he burps- you crack up uncontrollably and soon we're all laughing with you.
-You are in size 4 diapers and 9-12 month clothes. You're a big boy!
-You will go anywhere, happily. Church, the mall, lunches with the ladies- you're in it to win it. You just sit and smile and take it all in- Mommy is lucky that you let her keep doing these things with you in tow!
-Sleeping is still our struggle. You go down at 9pm every night and are up around 12am to eat, and 2-3 more times throughout the night. You just eat and go right back to sleep, but you rarely make it more than a 3-4 hour stretch without wanting to eat. I get that (I'm a snacker, too), but still hoping you will snooze a little longer stretch soon.
-You love the water like your brother- we took you to the pool a couple weeks ago and you stayed in the water (in the shade) the whole time! You were even kicking those chubby little thighs, Baby Phelps.
-Your Charlie Crane Paris rocker is still your favorite and where you choose to take the majority of your naps during the day. I tell everyone who asks that that thing is a splurge but so worth it! 

I really hope the next 6 months don't pass as quickly as the last because I will for sure be crying on Boone's first birthday. Pretty sure I was already planning Bear's first birthday by now but I'll be in denial until a few days before this time around, no doubt, so Boone may not get quite the extravaganza that Bear did. Pretty sure he won't care either way...but then again neither did Bear. :) 

Hope you all had a fun and safe Labor Day Weekend!
xo, Britt