boone's 6 month photos

Several weeks ago when Boone was 2 days shy of turning 6 months old, we had our friend and photographer Katie Hill come to our house for a little photo session. You may remember that she did Boone's newborn photos as well and we are still in love with those, so naturally we were excited for her to capture our little guy yet again. I couldn't narrow these down too much so prepare yourself for picture overload...and believe it or not Boone was actually not in the best mood this particular morning (any other morning he's all smiles), yet Katie still managed to work her magic.

photos by Katie Hill Photography

This baby boy. Can you tell I'm just a little bit crazy about him? And his big brother too...who was at school during this shoot or would've definitely been right in the middle of it :). Bear doesn't let Boone get too far out of his sight and nothing makes me happier than seeing my boys interact together, full of smiles and joy. My Mama heart lives for those moments.

Katie and I opted to keep Boone in nothing but a diaper for the session because A- we wanted clean, minimal photos to show all of his sweet features and B- who can resist baby rolls? No reason to cover up all that chub! If you got it, flaunt it...especially when you're 6 months old and thunder thighs are still a cute thing.

Boone's diapers are eco by naty, which he has worn since he was about a month old. We LOVE the brand and can't say enough good things about all their products- from the wipes to the baby shampoo, everything is eco-friendly and amazing quality. The diapers hold up well through even the worst blowouts and keep Boone dry all night (he wakes up with one heavy diaper!). Eco by naty also offers diaper subscriptions which make the best baby gifts! Get 20% off your order on the website here with code FULLWOOD20...and let me know if you try the products! Hope you'll love them as much as we do.

Off to run a few errands before we pick big brother up at school- Boone took an almost 2 hour nap this morning which has to be some kind of record. He's normally more of a cat-napper as much as we're on the go, but he's getting better at taking longer naps and Mama is thankful to be able to recharge and get a few things done in the process. When he wakes up and smiles at me, though, there's no better feeling in the world. So thankful for our Boone Thomas.
xo, Britt