5 things I've learned since becoming a mom

Boone’s outfit is Old Navy (old)
My jeans | similar shoes | top | jacket | necklace

Being a mom is the most rewarding yet challenging job I’ve ever had. While I always love being Mommy to Bear and Boone, there are moments when my patience is reeeeeally tested and I am a far cry from June Cleaver. My friends know I’m perpetually 15 minutes late everywhere I go, and chances are I’ve forgotten something important (like the diapers or my sanity) once I actually get there.

But despite the serious Mom Brain that I deal with on a daily basis, I’ve actually learned a few things along the way these past 6+ years. Motherhood isn’t all unicorns and rainbows, but the good outweighs the bad by a landslide. That doesn’t mean we can’t laugh about all the mishaps along the way (once we’re done crying over them)…

5 Things I’ve Learned Since Becoming a Mom:
1. Sleep is more valuable than gold. Everyone warns you before you have kids things like, “Rest while you can!” and “You’ll never get a good night’s sleep again!” and I have to admit, I did some eye-rolling at this pre-kids. While it’s not entirely true (Bear's always been a great sleeper so I was spoiled before Boone), there’s still significant amounts of truth to the fact that you sleep a lot less once you have kids. Even if your kids are great sleepers, you’re still so busy once you have kids and thus exhausted when your head hits the pillow. On the rare occasion that your child sleeps until 9am, it’s worth celebrating because Lord knows when you’ll get that much sleep again.
2. Payback is a you-know-what. It’s a joke in my family that I was always a “meddler”- I was into eeeeeeverything all the time. I stayed at my grandparents’ house quite a bit when I was little and my grandma says that I was surprisingly easy to watch because I’d just spend hours going through her drawers and closets looking at everything. Now I have Boonester, who meddles in anything he can get his hands on. No drawer, closet, or pantry is safe…and I know I’m just paying for my raising.
3. Time flies. Another saying you hear constantly prior to having kids, but another one that rings true. The days seem so slow sometimes, but you look back and wonder where the years went. I cannot believe that Bear is 6 1/2 years old. Just typing it out baffles me because in my mind, I gave birth to him tops 2 years ago. And Boone? He will be a year old in less than 2 weeks and I can’t even talk about it. It’s such a bittersweet feeling to watch them grow and feel so proud of the good humans they’re becoming, while also wishing they could stay little forever.
4. Silence is magical. You learn to enjoy things like sitting in carpool line for 45 minutes, just soaking up the calm before the storm. You regret taking for granted all the times you got to pee in silence without a child tugging on your leg or yelling “MOMMY!” from the next room. Peace and quiet are a thing of the past, and you miss them. But as soon as you go on that highly anticipated and overdue date night? You miss the sound of your little munchkins and talk about them the entire time.
5. It’s worth it. No matter how many times a day you want to pull your hair out, or how many brand new shirts get stained with spit-up, or how many nights you don’t sleep a wink because you’re taking care of a sick child, you wouldn’t trade any of it for anything in the world. Sure, your kids might be little crazies at times but they’re your little crazies, and you love them more than anything.

xo, Britt