dear 2020

sweater | leggings | similar booties | similar bag

Dear 2020,

I know we’re yet to meet, but I have big plans for us. Dreams I hope will come true, hard work I hope will pay off. In 2020, I want to travel more, put down my phone more, learn more, grow more. Not in that order.

It’s not that 2019 wasn’t a good year. In a lot of ways, it was one of the best years I’ve ever had. Memories were made that I know will never fade, some of which still seem surreal. Boone turned one this year. Bear started the first grade this year. I traveled to two foreign countries, met incredible people, and learned a lot about myself along the way. It’s wild how 365 days can go by so quickly, when certain moments along the way feel like they’ll never end. And then one day you’re looking back on it all, unsure of where the time has gone. Taking down the Christmas tree when you were just putting it up. Planning your son’s second birthday when you were just planning his first. Reliving moments in a deja vu sort of way, confusingly nostalgic over things that are still fresh in both your mind and heart.
Life is kind of funny that way.

2020 is going to be full of adventure. I want to go and see and do, I want to experience new things and open the boys’ eyes to new wonder. I want to show Bear and Boone that the world is such a big, incredible place full of fascinating people and places. To show them that life outside of our “bubble” is so important to see and experience in order to fully appreciate the things we take for granted every day. I want to be and stay reminded of that myself.

I’ve never been one who’s much for resolutions. I prefer working toward a goal and taking baby steps along the way. I have goals for 2020 both personally and professionally, but most of all I just want to be with those I love the most. To enjoy the time with them, to be the best version of myself that I can be, and to live each moment to the fullest. To remember and appreciate all that happens along the way, both good and bad. Because at the end of the day, “There are some things you learn best in calm, and some you learn best in storm” -Willa Cather.
Thank you, 2019, for all you taught me and for the memories I’ll forever cherish. 2020, we’re ready for you. You have big shoes to fill.

See you soon,

Brittany FullwoodComment