easter recap

I didn’t plan on doing an Easter recap on the blog because I haven’t done anything like it in a long time, but then I remembered why I started this blog in the first place. It’s always been a place to document what I love (mostly fashion, of course), and I don’t love anything more than I love my boys. I have these pictures on social media and in my phone, but it’s also special for me to have the blog as an online diary of sorts where I can look back on our memories all in one place.

Easter was a whirlwind for us- we went home on Friday (got to Sweetwater around 10pm), spent Saturday in Snyder with Zach’s family, went to church and had lunch with my family Sunday, then headed home and got to Houston around 10pm Sunday night. Although it was fast and furious and we spend most of the weekend in the car, it was such a sweet time that I’ll always remember. Both boys enjoyed hunting eggs and sadly I didn’t get any pictures of it, only videos, but they made out like bandits :). Sharing some snaps from the weekend below!
ps- Boone had fallen and scraped his chin on Thursday before we left hence the big red spot you’ll see in these pictures. It’s thankfully almost completely healed up now. Life with a 13 month old boy!

Zach’s family always does a big Easter celebration with lots of extended family, amazing food, and a full day of fun. His cousins Tyson and Riley Ann hosted this year and Riley goes over the top with everything she does (in the best way)- everything was so fun for the kids, and adults, and we were sad when the day was over.

Sunday was special, seeing my Mamaw with the boys and going to church with my parents and brother. We missed my big brother, Shane, and his family, as well as our cousins who couldn’t make it. But Bear and Boone didn’t mind getting all the eggs to themselves. We even dyed eggs this year, a tradition we used to do every Easter and one I want to start back up for the boys. Bear prefers his eggs plastic with something inside of them but he also thought it was so much fun to dye and decorate them. I was bad and didn’t do Easter baskets for the boys this year even though I fully intended to…so I’m thinking I’ll do a special “Summer Kit” for each of the boys when school is out. Things like sand castle building supplies, swimsuits, beach towels with their favorite characters (LEGO Movie for Bear and Baby Shark for Boone), etc. I’ll throw a few practical things in too like bug spray and sunscreen.

Speaking of, we are getting so excited for summer! I know a lot of parents dread it, but I actually love summertime. Getting to sleep in(ish) every day, going to the pool…just a constant feeling of “vacation” that I’ve always enjoyed.
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!
xo, Britt