32 things I've learned
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photos by Ban Avenue Photography
You’re probably guessing by the random title of this post that I recently turned 32 (on July 15th!). I’ve always made a big deal out of birthdays and try to drag out the celebrations as long as possible…more like a birth-month than a birthday. Anyone else feel me?!
I thought it would be fun to share 32 random things I’ve learned over the years. Nothing ground breaking, just some life lessons that have mostly come at me the hard way (I’m stubborn like that). Will likely be the last time I’m doing this because I have a feeling I’ll struggle to come up with 32 of anything…except maybe my favorite ice cream flavors? Could be onto something there.
Hope you enjoy!
32 things I’ve learned:
1. Gratitude is everything. A simple “thank you” goes a long way.
2. Hold out for what you love. This can apply to so many things from choosing a partner in life to picking a living room couch. Don’t give in to something (or someone) you really like; make sure whatever you choose sets your soul on fire. Never settle.
3. Be nice and expect nothing in return. This is one of the best recipes for happiness.
4. Eat the cookie. Life is just too short.
5. Be curious, not judgmental. I have to remind myself from time to time that it’s not my place to judge. Ask questions before pointing the finger, always.
6. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Maybe growing up with two brothers helped with this but somewhere along the way I learned to laugh at myself and have some humble pie. Again, life’s too short.
7. Travel as often as possible. This can be stressful on a budget, I realize, but it’s always doable. Whether it’s just a weekend road trip or a Mediterranean Cruise, traveling is so important at any age.
8. Respectfully agree to disagree. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve had to apply this in my adult life and it’s saved friendships galore. Especially when it comes to politics.
9. Practice what you love. While the saying “practice makes perfect” may not always ring true, practicing does yield positive results. If you want to succeed at something you love, practice.
10. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. The freedom that comes from forgiveness is a magical thing. It doesn’t mean the other person always deserves that forgiveness, but you certainly do.
11. Pancakes are better at supper. I’ll eat them anytime but breakfast for supper is always a good idea.
12. Someone else’s success doesn’t diminish yours. There’s room for all of us to grow and thrive.
13. Friendships change and that’s okay. As you grow as a person, and so do your friends, life can lead you in different directions. It’s normal and healthy even. Hold on to those friends who last through the years, no matter the miles between you.
14. Follow your passion. No matter how big or crazy it might seem to some, chase your dreams and never give up. I promise you’ll be glad you did.
15. Save. No-one likes talking money, including myself, but having a financial plan is really important. Pay off debt, get your credit straight, and save whatever you can.
16. Be genuinely interested in others. I think we’ve all known that person who sits in a circle and only talks about themselves and their own life, without ever asking anyone else a question. Don’t be that person. Ask questions and build new relationships.
17. Wait for the sale. Almost everything goes on sale eventually. Be patient and wait for what you really want at a better price.
18. Say no. I’m such a yes person, so I’m looking at myself on this one. I’ve gotten better with age but it’s such a freeing feeling when you stand up for yourself and learn to say no to what you shouldn’t, or can’t, do.
19. Don’t hold grudges. Easier said than done but this goes along with the forgiveness thing. Set yourself free.
20. Embrace spontaneity. Buy that plane ticket the night before. Try Vietnamese food for the first time. Don’t pass up opportunities to do something that stretches your limits and helps you grow.
21. Don’t be pressured. Don’t want to have kids? Don’t let society make you feel guilty. Don’t want to drink at a party? Stand your ground. No-one should have the power to make you feel bad about doing, or not doing, something. You’ll be glad you stayed true to yourself.
22. Ironing never gets fun. 32 years later and ironing still sucks. #wrinklesforlife
23. Own your mistakes. We all make them. Owning up to them is what helps us ensure we don’t make the same mistake twice.
24. Life doesn’t stop after a baby. In fact it only gets better. A little crazier, but better.
25. Give compliments. I still remember a compliment someone gave me 15 years ago about my eyelashes standing in line to check out at Brookeshire’s. That’s how long her words stuck with me. I now wear eyelash extensions on my stumpy lashes so I’m not sure if she was just blowing smoke but regardless, it was kind. Be the person that gives a stranger a compliment they’ll remember 15 years later.
26. Happiness comes from within. May seem cliche, especially coming from a fashion blogger, but it’s true. Possessions won’t make you happy. It’s a choice we make every day. And that’s encouraging really, to know that we hold that happiness within ourselves.
27. Accept people for who they are. You can’t change people. It’s vital to remember that people are doing the best that they can, and let them be.
28. Pick and choose your battles. Some things are worth losing time and energy over, some are not. Choose wisely, for your own well being.
29. Don’t ever lose your inner child. While we all have to grow up at some point and pay bills, never lose the ability to let loose and have fun. Embrace your silly side and gravitate toward people who make you laugh until you cry.
30. Stand up for yourself. You owe it to you.
31. You don’t have to like everyone, and not everyone will like you. This has always been a tough one for me because I’m such a people pleaser. But I’ve learned over time that this is so true, and it’s okay.
32. Be nice to everyone. This can be difficult, I know, but it’s true that what goes around comes around. Kindness doesn’t cost a dime; spread that stuff like Nutella.
xo, Britt