back to school with walmart

Bear started school last Wednesday and Boone starts Mother’s Day Out this Tuesday, so we’re heavy in the throws of all things “back to school”. Y’all know how much I love Walmart and take advantage of their free 2 day shipping on order over $35 any chance I get. The boys needed new school clothes and I was SO excited to find them some matching sets! Comfort/cute is our jam when it comes to their clothes since these little boys like to play but Mommy still wants them looking presentable, and Walmart has so many affordable sets for boys of all ages.
I also wanted to really get organized since organization went out the window all summer, and want Bear to have a great workspace to do his homework. He prefers to work at our kitchen bar, but I don’t like leaving out a mess of markers, crayons, and paper every evening. We found a great solution of a “homework bin” (this $3 basket is perfect for holding all his supplies) that we’ll store in the pantry whenever it’s not in use. Boonester also got a Baby Shark Color Wonder pack that’s perfect for toddlers! Safe to say these boys are set for school.

Bear’s outfit set ($11 for both!)
Boone’s outfit set ($8 for both!)
Crayon box | dry erase board | gold magazine holder | gold baskets | grey basket | Crayola Baby Shark Set | desk calendar

I also picked up a few office supplies for myself because I knew these baskets would be perfect for my office. Something about school starting makes me crave organization around the house…anyone else?! I’ve been meaning to get a dry erase board for our fridge for months now; I wanted to keep track of lists in a central place we all could utilize. We ordered this dry erase board and are loving it! Such a simple way to keep track of things.
I’m a big believer that kids’ success in school starts at home. We need to build them up, prepare our kids mentally and emotionally in order for them to have a great year. On the first day of school, our normal 5 minute drive to Bear’s school took around 40 minutes with traffic. During those long 40 minutes, I told Bear what a great year he’s going to have. How smart he is and how easily he’ll make friends, in attempt to build his confidence. Because if our kids don’t hear it from us, where will they hear it? Success in school goes beyond homework and reading at home (while those things are very important!). Behind every happy little kid is a parent cheering them on from the sidelines, letting them know they’re loved and supported every step of the way. I hope Bear and Boone always know that.
Sending all of you mamas and your littles a big hug as you start a new and exciting school year. You got this!
xo, Britt

*Thank you to Walmart for sponsoring this post. As always, all thoughts & opinions are my own.