15 ways to spend quality time with the kids during quarantine

We’re all finding ourselves in the throws of this new normal, and it’s hard to make the most of a time that’s so heavy and scary. But as a mom, I think it’s so important to keep a positive outlook and keep things as normal as possible for my boys. Things are far from “normal” right now, and I know even more so for some of you. But the more we can make this time fun and special for our kids, the better we’ll make their little lives.
Sharing some ways we’re spending quality time together and keeping our sanity during quarantine below.

Boone’s pajamas | my pajamas | my name necklace | my initial necklace | bed | nightstand | top sign | bottom sign

1. Read together.
The hardest part about Bear being out of school right now is that as a first grader, he’s at such a critical point in his education. He’s learning core basics and so it’s really important that we continue his studies as much as possible at home. He asked me today why we’re reading so much for his school work and I explained, “Because if you can’t read, can you do any of the other work? It’s the most important thing”. Needless to say, we’ve been reading a lot around here and chapter books are a fun thing we look forward to every night.
2. Zoom friends. I had no idea what Zoom was before any of this started but now it’s become part of our routine. Bear does Zoom with his class and teacher, and his favorite of all is with his best friend. We are going to start doing this with family, too!
3. Play hide & seek. This is Bear’s favorite game right now and Boone loves it too. Anything that encourages fun is welcome, especially in the form of family game nights.
4. Play restaurant. Bear has suddenly started playing “restaurant” and has had more fun serving us up his “mini burgers”. I love how he uses his imagination and Boone loves being his sous-chef. We’re also cooking more meals together as a family, as I’m sure all of you are, too.
5. Write a letter to grandparents. We miss our family so much and aren’t sure when we’ll be able to see them again. The boys are writing letters this week to mail to grandparents and great grandparents (drawings included) to bring a smile to their faces.
6. Have a scavenger hunt. This is one of Bear’s favorite things to do and he likes to organize it. He makes a scavenger hunt and sends everyone else searching with his clues.
7. Have movie night. This often turns into Video Game Night for us, but either way it’s always fun to build a blanket fort and pop popcorn.
8. Look for lizards. Sounds silly, but this is Bear and Boone’s favorite thing to do outside. They could spend hours finding lizards (and frogs). Just getting outside and getting some fresh air is so important.
9. Do bike races. Fun for the whole family! Boone gets pulled in the wagon.
10. Learn/teach a new skill. Speaking of bikes, this is the perfect time to learn to ride one. Order a tie dye kit (or just bust out the bleach) and make family shirts!
11. Have a smoothie contest. Put all that produce to use! Everybody chooses ingredients, makes their own smoothie, and vote on the crowd favorite. Good way to introduce new fruits/veggies in a fun, friendly competition.
12. Have a pet day. Pets should always get lots of love, but designate a special day to show your pet some extra care. Bake them a special treat, take them for extra walks, etc.
13. Start a craft box. Bear has a designated box for all his craft supplies and he loves pulling this out every afternoon when he finishes school work. Just today he made a house out of popsicle sticks and playing cards, and Boone has had so much fun playing with it.
14. Paint. This doesn’t sound too exciting, but Bear painted with watercolors today and it turned out so beautifully that I’m going to frame it. Boone loves painting in his high chair, too. Such a good way to feed those creative juices and hanging up your kids' work on the fridge (or anywhere) makes them feel so special and proud.
15. Have a dance party. Bear is obsessed with GoNoodle and this is a daily way we get some wiggles out. We all laugh and the boys have a blast.

What are some things you’re doing to pass the time right now?
xo, Britt