5 tips for monday motivation

top (on sale!) | jeans | sandals | sunglasses

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

I had to share this outfit today because I just saw my top is on sale for $17 and it’s one of my favorites for summer. It comes in 3 colors and can be dressed up or down. I ordered the white to wear with denim shorts, sandals, and a pop of red (accessories) for July 4th.

Does anyone else have trouble staying motivated during the summer months? This summer especially it feels difficult to stay on track with goals/plans since it’s felt like summer for almost 4 months now. I’ve found that sticking to these 5 simple tips really help me get going on slow Mondays:

1. Make a to do list Sunday night. It’s important to do this the night before, because if you wait until Monday morning to make this list you won’t wake up ready to tackle it. I put small things I’d like to get done, such as “finish blog post, plan meals for the week, order groceries, catch up on emails”, etc. Marking things off a list just feels good and helps set mini goals that lead to bigger accomplishments.
2. Self-reward. After you’ve finished a task you’ve been putting off or just didn’t want to do, reward yourself. I like to reward myself with some me-time like a walk or a treat (aka Starbucks frappuccino). Anything that makes you feel good.
3. Plan your week. Take some time on Monday to schedule out things over the course of the week. Whether it’s dentist appointments or grocery shopping, you’ll feel more organized having a set plan in place for the week instead of winging it day by day.
4. Eat a healthy breakfast/lunch. This one seems random, but I swear it’s helped me maybe more than anything for getting out of the slump of unproductive days. I’m not much of a breakfast eater (I usually just have a few cups of coffee) but about a year ago I started cutting out any fried food at lunch and having water/fresh juice instead of soda. I can’t tell you how much more productive this has made me after lunch, instead of hitting a wall and wanting a nap I now have the most energy of my day from 1-6pm. I really believe what we put in our bodies affects so much of what we do.
5. Make time for friends who motivate you. Life is about balance. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in wanting to be productive that I don’t make time for friends and that’s never a good idea. Scheduling a brunch or dinner with friends not only gives me something to look forward to, but also challenges me to be better (because my friends are total boss babes). Surround yourself with people who encourage and believe in you. And make sure you do the same for them.

How do you stay motivated on Mondays? Lots of coffee and…? I’d love to hear!

xo, Britt