my experience with veneers

Some of you may have noticed a slight change here on Hello Honey; the fact that I have a new smile! Back in January, I started the process of getting veneers. It was something I’d thought about for years, and had seen a handful of local dentists for consultations. As with any cosmetic decision, it was a personal choice and I realize not everyone will agree with me. But I always feel that if we can make a change that will positively affect our confidence, we should do it. And my smile make-over has done just that. Sharing up close and personal photos and more on the process below.


photos by Ban Avenue Photography

I mentioned I saw a handful of dentists before deciding to go with Dr. Scott Young, DDS. Knowing that Dr. Young has done over 20,000 veneers and hearing countless positive testimonies, I felt confident in my choice. I can say in all honesty that the entire experience was amazing and so much better/easier than I expected. Dr. Young and his staff made me feel right at home at every appointment, taking the time to answer all my questions and overall just being so kind and understanding. I cannot say enough good things! One of my neighbors had veneers put on by Dr. Young years ago and hearing her experience and seeing her beautiful teeth also convinced me I was making the right decision.

The process:
A few weeks ago, I put a question box on Instagram for anyone who had specific questions about the process. Answering some here!

What is the process like?
A: First, I had a consult to discuss the process/pricing/etc. (this can be in person or virtual). We decided to do my top 10 teeth as they show the most when I smile and talk. Some people choose to do bottom teeth as well, but I have a permanent retainer there and just chose to do my top teeth for now. We set up a deep cleaning for my teeth, which you’ll want done before getting veneers (I was overdue anyway). The same week, I came back to get my temporary veneers put on. I arrived at 7:30am and was finished around 12:30pm. I was truthfully so nervous for this appointment and had anxiety going in, but it ended up being a million times better than I thought. When I arrived, the assistant made me comfortable with a pillow and blanket and talked me through all my questions/concerns. She recently had veneers put on herself so she gave me firsthand knowledge about the experience. She totally calmed me and I was so thankful! I took a Valium and honestly don’t remember anything else about that appointment except waking up and being surprised I felt no pain. At all. I went home, took a nap, and 2-3 weeks later repeated a similar appointment to have the final veneers seated. I had no pain whatsoever after that appointment, either. I thought my mouth would be sore but honestly, the whole process was better/less painful than a lot of “simple” dental work I’ve had done in the past. After the final veneers were seated, I was good to go. I could eat normally, and within a day they felt like my normal teeth. Now I forget I even have veneers until I look in the mirror.

Q: How much does it cost?
A: The cost for veneers is going to vary state to state and depends on who you go to. The average cost is between $800-$2000 per tooth. It honestly just depends on your needs.

Q: Do they grind your teeth down? Does it hurt?
A: Your teeth will typically need a small portion removed so that the veneers don’t look unnatural or bulky on your teeth. Generally, dentists will shave about 0.5mm off a tooth for the veneer. This honestly didn’t freak me out because A- I knew I wouldn’t be feeling anything during the process and B- I knew once I had veneers, I’d never want to go back to my original teeth anyway.

Q: How long do they last?
A: It just varies, but usually around 20 years.

Q: What are the advantages of getting veneers?
A: Veneers improve crooked, broken, or misshapen teeth while maintaining the natural appearance of your teeth. Veneers also offer the following advantages: resistance to stains, well-tolerated by your gums, ability to lighten darker teeth so they appear whiter, strengthen teeth, less expensive than some other dental procedures like crowns.

Q: Do you get some "say" in the design?
A: Of course! Dr. Young and I discussed in depth what we envisioned for my final smile, and he worked with the lab to ensure it was just as I wanted. After the temporaries, we decided the front two teeth were a little too long/narrow/rectangular for my mouth. Dr. Young was able to adjust the final veneers to be more natural. That’s the beauty of getting to wear temporary veneers for a few weeks; making sure you’re happy with every detail before the permanent veneers are seated.

Q: How do I know if I'm a good candidate for veneers?
A: If you’re interested in veneers or have questions, Dr. Young offers free virtual consults and that the process is super simple. Just click the link HERE and submit a few smile selfies. Dr. Young will look at your photos, come up with a plan, and send you a personalized video telling you what he recommends. You never have to leave your house for the consult!

 Will the veneers ever change color or turn yellow?
A: Nope! Porcelain veneers will never stain or change colors even if you’re a coffee or a wine drinker! We went with somewhere between a 1-2 shade with my porcelain. 1 is the whitest and we wanted it to be nice and white but still natural looking.


If you’re considering getting veneers, I hope I’ve answered some of your questions. I am so much happier with my smile and love that it still looks natural while being a major upgrade. I think so much of our confidence is shown through our smile and it really does make such a difference when you feel good about your teeth. If you have any other questions about the process, please leave them in the comments or email me at & I’m happy to answer!

xo, Britt