Forever21 Color Inspiration

Hi from Nashville, sweet friends! After the thirteen hour drive, we are recouping and getting ready for the big wedding tomorrow. You'll be proud to know we listened to country music the entire way here in preparation. Zach sings a mean Johnny Cash.

Earlier this week, I was in Forever21 getting my shop on when I realized my undying love for silky, flowy skirts. I know they are very "in" right now, but I have a strong hunch that I'll be 93 years old, sportin' a silk maxi (or possibly mini) skirt in my wheelchair. Wouldn't have it any other way.
It wasn't until I got home that I realized the pretty color palette of these purchases. Just opening the bag made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. See if it has the same effect on you...
Best part? The prices! The skirts were $14.80 & $17.50, the bracelet set was $6.95, the nail polish $2.50, and the belt $1.50. What husband could get mad about that? Not my Johnny Zach.