The Long and Winding Road

Hi friends! We're back!
It's a bittersweet feeling, as our Nashville roadtrip turned out to be quite the adventure. But, as Dorothy wisely said, there's no place like home. It feels good to cuddle up on the couch and watch Seinfeld reruns. So, so very good.

Our trip was a whopping 27 hours total, but we broke it up both ways by staying the night in Louisiana. Zach was a trooper and drove about 70% of the way while I played DJ and ate Sour Patch Kids. It was awesome.

The wedding was just perfect; we had a blast dancing, catching up with old friends, and celebrating the sweet couple. I'd tell more stories, as there are a plethora, but here are a few pictures instead....

driving through Arkansas
enjoying/loving every single minute of Rob and Laura's wedding
friends, Garrett and Lori
i-phone pic
with the lovebirds
 hotel view in Louisiana/freakiest picture ever...
peaceful, late afternoon drive
Can't wait to catch up on all of your lovely lives! Hope everyone had a beautiful weekend.