23 Weeks

It's been pretty quiet around here ever since my family left last Tuesday and while the peacefulness is therapeutic, we've missed the "full house". Waking up in the morning to my sweet Momma's voice took me back to my childhood; how I wish she could be here every single morning. Thank goodness for cell phones. I miss you, Mom! Tiny and I miss your homemade ice cream, too.

We (okay, okay...Zach) painted up a storm on Little One's nursery yesterday; it's looking much better! I, on the other hand, got all kinds of gluttonous on some warm chocolate chip banana bread and milk. Oops. I'll post pictures of Z's paint job after we get the room looking presentable. I'm incredibly thankful to have such a hard-working, diligent husband who takes pride in making our house a home. His Baby Boy's nursery is no exception! Thank you, Zach, for taking care of Tiny and me.

To our Baby Boy:
Oh Little Man, how you are growing! We've decided you really do think you're a ninja. Your Dad thought he was the Karate Kid when he was a little boy and you are definitely following in his footsteps. You practice your moves all the time; you're getting pretty good! You really, really love milk, especially when cookies are dipped into it. I took a bath last night and could visibly see you on the right side of my belly; you seem to favor that side. It must be more comfortable over there. I can now officially feel you when I'm walking around too, not just sitting still. Must mean you're growing! Your Daddy has been giving you so much lovin' lately and it's pretty much the cutest thing ever. He loves to give you kisses, feel you squirm around, and put his headphones right up against my belly so you hear "Fat Bottomed Girls" loud and clear (I made the mistake of telling him you can hear loud noises now; I'm so sorry). We love you like crazy, precious boy, and can't wait to meet your sweet ninja self.

How Far Along: 23 weeks, 2 days
Baby Size: 1 ft. long, just over 1 lb.
Total Weight Gain: 9 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Mostly lots of flowy skirts and dresses. It's too hot for pants!
Stretch Marks? Not yet...hoping it stays that way!
Sleep: Sleeping great for the most part; there have been a few nights the last couple weeks that I've resorted to the couch because I just couldn't get comfy in bed.
Best moment this week: Working on the nursery with Z this weekend...it's coming along slowly but surely!
Miss Anything? Drinking 2-3 cokes a day
Movement: Ohhhh yes. Tiny has been dancin' all week.
Food Cravings: OREOS! Loving the Double Stuf these days. Also drinking a big glass of chocolate milk every night before bed...we've never gone through this much milk. Baby wants his calcium! Oh, and salty tortilla chips like Santitas....I can eat a whole bag in one sitting if I let myself.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Thankfully no
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet!
Belly button in or out? Still an innie
Wedding rings on or off? On & loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! I've honestly never felt so blissful in my life. It's stressful carrying a child, but also immensely rewarding.
Looking forward to: Doctor's appointment this Thursday and hearing Baby's heartbeat. It's incredible.

Hope you have a wonderful week! Thanks for reading!