24 Weeks (6 months!)

Hi, friends! I can't believe we're already at the 6 month mark; this pregnancy is really flying by! Although, thinking about it now, those first 19 weeks didn't exactly seem to fly by. Morning/afternoon/night sickness made for long days and difficulty eating, but the last 5 weeks sure have flown.

Zach has truly been my hero this week. Not that he isn't always worthy of that title, but this week he's more than earned it. He has worked so hard on Tiny's nursery; we decided yesterday that he sweated out at least 3 gallons of water. He's putting wainscoting in and it's turned out to be quite the project....just a little more time-consuming and expensive than we originally thought. But every time we get frustrated, we look down at Baby and know it will all be worth it when he arrives. Thank you for all your hard work, Z! Tiny and I are so proud of the carpenter you're becoming :).

To our Baby Boy:
Oh, Little Man, how funny you already are. You make us laugh all the time! You are such a wiggler, especially after I give you some Sour Patch Kids (hopefully my doctor isn't reading this). Your 6 month appointment last week went flawlessly; you are growing more and more every day. We recorded your heartbeat so we can listen to it anytime we want...it's so incredible to think that your little heart has already beat over 2 million times. That's a lot! We are officially signed up for birthing classes so we can be fully prepared for your arrival; we can't wait to meet you, sweet boy. Mommy is going to treat you to a milkshake today just to show you how much you're loved.

How Far Along: 24 weeks, 3 days
Baby Size: 1 ft. long, just over 1 lb.
Total Weight Gain: 10-11 lbs. (double digits!)
Maternity Clothes? Mostly just dresses and flowy skirts
Stretch Marks? Not yet...still applying lots of lotion every night!
Sleep: Having a really lovely relationship with the couch these days. I find myself there most nights, only to be awakened at 5am when Zach comes into the living room afraid I've been kidnapped.
Best moment this week: Hearing Baby's heartbeat
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my back...it's so hard to keep from it!
Movement: Tons! I recorded a video of Tiny dancin' at the pool last week and sent it to all our family....boy's got some moves.
Food Cravings: Chocolate milk....we probably should invest in a cow.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No, though I did throw up two mornings last week :(. Hopefully won't happen again!
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet
Belly button in or out? Still an innie
Wedding rings on or off? On & loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and blessed. I had one moody moment last week...poor Zach had to bear the brunt of it. Tiny and I got too hungry and weren't happy with Benihana for taking so long to prepare our food, but we cheered up after leaving nice and full.
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery walls! It's been a BIG project, let me tell you. Hopefully we'll finish next weekend and I can show you guys what we (we being 96% Zach, 4% me) have been working so hard on.

Thank you for keeping up with our baby updates! Your comments always make me (and Little Guy!) smile.