26 Weeks

Has it really been a whole week since I wrote the '25 Weeks' post? What a quick seven days that was! I'm doing my best to soak up this mid/late part of pregnancy when I feel great and am still able to get around fairly easily. Oh, how I'm going to miss our Baby Boy being so close to me. Carrying him around, being his Momma, is the greatest honor I've ever been given.

Zach's mom spent the weekend with us and we had a wonderful time visiting, eating, and setting up Tiny's crib. Thanks for all your help, Lisa! Zach got the ceiling fan hung in the nursery, making it one step closer to a finished room (though we still have a ways to go). My handyman husband continues to amaze me week after week.

To our Baby Boy:
You have really grown this week! Only fifteen more days until your next big 4d ultrasound and we'll known an estimate of just how big you are. You're still loving milk, preferably with chocolate syrup in it, and cherry cobbler is a new favorite of yours too. Some of your late night cravings give Mommy a little heartburn, but it's totally worth it to see you grow from week to week. We got your crib all set up today and it looks nice and comfy; a few more months and you'll be able to test it out (Mommy and Daddy are a little too big to do so). Your Dad gave you the biggest kiss today, I just know that you felt it. Soon we will be able to kiss your sweet cheeks 'round the clock without Mom's fuzzy belly as a barrier. We love you, Tiny.

How Far Along: 26 weeks, 2 days
Baby Size: 14 inches, 1 2/3 lbs.
Total Weight Gain: 13 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Mostly just dresses and flowy skirts...too hot for jeans!
Stretch Marks? This is a bit of a touchy subject. A few days ago, Zach spotted one on each side (above the hip bone) and I was pretty upset he didn't just let me keep on not knowing about them. Ignorance is bliss, right ladies?
Sleep: Sleep has been better this week. I've woken up with awful headaches the last couple mornings that have lasted throughout the day; pretty sure I have an ear infection. Other than that, sleeping pretty well.
Best moment this week: Best baby moment- finishing the nursery walls. Best non-baby moment- watching the U.S. dominate in the Olympics. U-S-A!
Miss Anything? Cokes
Movement: Yes and still loving it! He wiggles a lot after I eat something sweet (which is frequently these days).
Food Cravings: Chocolate milk, cherry cobbler, Diet Coke
Anything making you queasy or sick? Only if I go too long without eating
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet
Belly button in or out? Still an innie, but quickly losing it's ability to stay in.
Wedding rings on or off? On & loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! We are so ready to meet our Little Man.
Looking forward to: Both of our doctors appointments next week. We love to get updates on Tiny!

Thank you for keeping up with our Baby posts; your thoughtful words are always such a joy to read. Hope you've had a great weekend!