Maternity Style: Spunky

dress:F21, belt:F21, shoes:Converse All Star, bracelets:Glitter

While this is definitely not an outfit I'd wear just any old day, it's fun once in a while to dress out of the box. I feel like pregnancy gives a girl even more freedom to do so, since it's fun to play up the bump and try out new things on your "new" body.

Zach is not a huge fan of these shoes ("You're wearing those with a dress?!"), but Baby and I happen to love them. They're more comfy than most flats or heels, and polka dots just make us happy. Pretty good reasons to bust 'em out, eh?

What do you turn to when you're feeling a little experimental in the fashion department? A wild print? A funky shoe? I'd love to hear!
p.s. We're beyond excited to see Journey in concert tonight! Secretly, I'm almost as excited for the nachos and corn dog I plan on scarfing. Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!