Trash to Treasure: Baby's Dresser

About a month ago, I was scouring one of our local Goodwills when I came across this lovely hunk o' junk. 

I knew it needed a LOT of TLC, but the potential was totally there to transform it into the perfect dresser/changing table for Baby's room. After tons of sanding, seemingly endless coats of paint, a little knob drama, and a few other minor hiccups along the's the finished product!
 Please excuse the messy garage!

Now if only my Hercules of a husband can find a way to get this bad boy upstairs, we'll be in good shape. I can't wait to get it all fixed up with a changing pad and organize the drawers. In these pictures the gray paint looks more white, but it's actually the same color we used on the nursery walls as seen here.

A small rundown:
blue paint: valspar Filoli Morning Glory
gray paint: valspar Gravity
glass knobs: Hobby Lobby
sealer: Rust-oleum Ultimate Polyurethane, Satin Interior (we swear by this stuff!)

And one more look at the transformation:

A HUGE thank you to my hard-working husband for all his patience on this project. He basically had to rebuild the drawers and replace the entire back of the dresser, all while taking orders from me in the process. What would we do without our sweet men, ladies?

Happy Hump Day!
What projects have you been working on lately?!