36 Weeks

Running late on these posts seems to be a bad habit I've gotten into the last couple weeks. Z and I keep forgetting to take pictures and have been so busy preparing for Baby that everything seems to be a whirlwind. Better late than never, right? We rushed to take these pictures when Zach got home from work tonight and it was already pretty late/dark; please excuse the poor quality!

This weekend was full of family, food, and football...our three favorite things. Zach's brother Cole, his wife Amanda, and their 18 month old Kamdon came down to stay with us and we had a blast doing things like staying up late playing Apples to Apples and visiting the Children's Museum in downtown Houston. Zach's little sister Katy drove in on Saturday morning and spent the day with us; it's always such a treat to see sweet Katy. Things are pretty quiet around here now, but we have a feeling that won't last much longer! Baby is gonna break the silence, in the best way possible of course.

To our Baby Boy:
You are almost considered a full-term baby! Can you believe you've been growing away in there for over 36 weeks now? You must be past ready to come out and see the world. Then again, you seem pretty comfy and content, and who could blame you? Momma's pretty happy to be this close to you, too. You are still loving our walks in the evenings and kick in opposition when we get home and the fun is over. I promise Daddy and I will continue to walk you long after you're born, sweet boy. Your doctor's appointment went perfectly today; not much longer until we can kiss your chubby cheeks. We love you, Tiny.

How Far Along: 36 weeks, 3 days
Baby Size: 19+ inches, 6 lbs. 4 oz.
Total Weight Gain: 22-23 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Yes! Normal tops are starting to be "belly tees" as Zach likes to call them. You know, something you'd see at the trailor park.
Stretch Marks? No new ones to report
Sleep: Sleeping great! Trying to enjoy it while we still can :)
Best moment this week: Visiting with Zach's family this weekend...and having a good report at the doctor today.
Miss Anything? Not swelling! Not having to squeeeeeze into my shoes would be nice.
Movement: Still lots. Little Guy likes to squirm! He doesn't have much room to wiggle anymore though, but Zach likes to feel around for his feet, bum, and little knees. We can feel lots of body parts now!
Food Cravings: Turkey sandwiches on focaccia from Jason's Deli, kettle corn, Jack in the Box curly fries
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! Feeling good.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet. Not even a single Braxton Hicks! I guess Baby is pretty comfy in there.
Belly button in or out? Almost completely on the outs. So weird!
Wedding rings on or off? On & loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and a little moody this week...feeling anxious and overwhelmed about getting everything marked off the big to-do list before Tiny arrives.
Looking forward to: Meeting Baby!