Exxon Shower

Two weeks ago, Zach's work friends sweetly threw us a baby shower at their office. It was so thoughtful and special; we were blown away by everything they did for us and our Little Man. Zach is extremely blessed to work with such kind, wonderful people. Baby is now fixed up!
the adorable, VERY yummy chocolate cake
only a few more weeks until I can quit hiding his name :)
One of Zach's co-workers, Virginia, made this beautiful A&M baby quilt just for Tiny. I was so surprised and thankful (and hormonal??) that a few tears actually fell.
thrilled about diaper changing...
Thank you to everyone who made this such a special memory for Zach and me. We are grateful beyond measure.
I've been a terrible blogger lately; please forgive me! I hope each of you had a fabulous weekend. Planning to catch up on your blogs this afternoon!
B & Baby