37 Weeks (full term!)

 Hello! I can't believe I'm sitting down to write a 37 week "bump" update; where have the last 8 months gone? So many of you have followed along throughout the months and left tons of encouraging, thoughtful comments. I honestly can't say thank you enough. You have made this an even more incredible journey than it's already been and I have loved sharing this special time in our lives with you all. Thank you!
 My parents came down this weekend and helped us get the house "baby ready"; words can't begin to explain our gratitude and appreciation for all their hard work. Mom and Dad, you guys are the BEST. I know there were times my Mom was thinking "How did it even get this dirty?" but she never said a word, she just cleaned away. I'm talking even deep cleaning...the fridge, the oven, scrubbing toilets...we owe you guys big time! Thank you. We love you and can't wait to see you in a few weeks (or days? who knows!) when Tiny makes his big debut.
 To our Baby Boy:
You are so close to seeing the real world for the very first time! What a life changing moment that will be for all three of us. For your Daddy and me, it will be the best moment of our lives. I find myself lying awake at night, unable to sleep, picturing your tiny hands and perfectly soft skin. I imagine what it will be like when you look up at me for the first time, finally putting a face with your Momma's voice. I will cry....oh, will I cry. To finally hold you in my arms will make every bout of morning sickness, every puffy ankle, and every last trip to the bathroom (there have been many) more than worth while. In fact, I have a strong hunch that those things will fade from my memory the moment I meet you, Little One. Take your time, just know that when you decide to make your great escape, we'll be ready. We love you, Baby Boy.

How Far Along: 37 weeks, 1 day
Baby Size: 19-20 inches, 6 1/2+ lbs.
Total Weight Gain: 23 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Yep! It's been colder the last few days so I've been wearing regular track suits with long tanks or maternity tops. Leggings are still my best friend.
Stretch Marks? No new ones to report
Sleep: Sleeping really well...think my body is resting up in preparation!
Best moment this week: My parents coming to visit this weekend; they helped us SO much. It was amazing. My sweet Mom did more in one day than I could've done in two weeks.
Miss Anything? Not really, just trying to enjoy these last few weeks with Tiny in my belly. I know I'm going to miss him being all snuggled up in there.
Movement: Ohhh yes. Kicks were painful a few times this week!
Food Cravings: Curly fries from Arby's and Jack in the Box, chocolate ice cream
Anything making you queasy or sick? Feeling good
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet...people seemed surprised when we tell them I haven't had a single contraction yet. I'm not complaining...
Belly button in or out? Still volcano-ish
Wedding rings on or off? On & loose
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and anxious
Looking forward to: Meeting our Boy