Last Weekend...

Bear enjoyed his changing table & mobile for the first time...
Zach scared our sweet, one year old nephew...
Aunt Amanda loved on Bear...
Zach was, as usual, the best Daddy ever.
(Bear's rockin' his new cap...still a little big but I couldn't resist)
Hope you all had a great weekend, too!
a couple quick shout-outs...
1. Loving our new blog look, compliments of Sarah Grace at gracefully made. Awhile back I asked you all for recommendations on blog designers; shortly after it hit me that my own friend Sarah does blog design and is super talented. Thank you very much for all your hard work, Sarah! We love it.
2. My bff Whitney over at Keeping Up With the Cyperts is hosting an amazing giveaway right now...head over and check it out! It's easy to enter and the ladies helping are some of my favorites.
That's all. Happy Hump Day!