
Met in October '09, were engaged in October '10, married in June '11, and welcomed our son in November '12. Excited to see what 2013 holds for our little family! 


How old are you? I’m 25 ½, Zach will be 30 in May
What do you do for a living? I’m a certified elementary school teacher but for now my day job is playing Mommy to our son, Bear Clayton. Zach is a financial analyst for Exxon Mobil.
Where do you live? Spring, Texas, a suburb of Houston
What kind of camera do you use? Canon Rebel T3i with an ESF 18-55 mm lens
Who designed your blog? Sarah Grace at gracefully made. She is seriously the sweetest, most talented little lady. She’s affordable, too!
How did you and Zach meet? We actually grew up in small West Texas towns 8 miles from each other yet never met until after college. Zach’s brother and sister-in-law (lifelong friends of mine) introduced us one night in Lubbock after a big Texas Tech/A&M game and the rest is history.
Why the name Bear Clayton? Zach is a football fanatic & graduated from Texas A&M, thus making him a big fan of Bear Bryant. We always loved the name Bear because of its simplicity yet uniqueness. Clayton is my grandpa’s name who passed away in March of 2011. We miss him every day yet find peace in knowing that he watches over our little Bear.
Where and when were you two married? My hometown on June 25, 2011 (you can read more about that herehere, and here)
Do you have any siblings? Yes, a big brother and a little brother. Shane is a Captain in the Army and currently stationed in Honolulu, Hawaii with his wife, Scarlett. Ryan is in his first year at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Zach has two brothers, Cole & Jake, and a little sister, Katy.

What are your hobbies outside of blogging? I enjoy reading, singing, writing, taking long walks, going to concerts, baking, playing golf, shopping, and hanging out with my boys.
Thank you for stopping by!
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