15 Weeks

Height: 27ish in.
Weight: 17ish lbs.
(we'll find out both for sure at his 4 month appt. on the 18th)

Things to Remember:
-You have started really liking Yo Gabba Gabba, but Mommy only lets you watch one episode a day in the mornings while she's getting ready. It's the only TV show that you'll pay attention to for more than 3 minutes.
-You had your very first playdate last Monday and though you weren't too interested in the other babies, you liked being outside at the park and taking everything in. Mommy enjoyed meeting other mommas and making you some friends!
-You've started talking during tummy time just the last few days. Anytime we put you on your tummy, you become a little chatterbox and talk up a storm. It's so cute!
-You are officially ticklish, especially on your tummy, and Daddy takes full advantage. We love seeing those sweet smiles and hearing you giggle.
-You're getting better about car rides but do not like sitting at red lights. You get your patience (or lack thereof...) from both sides of the family. Sorry, son!
-You now not only chew on your paws, but you also smack (loudly!) on them. You try and fit both hands in your mouth at one time, because one just isn't enough.
-You laugh, hard, every time we undress you. You love being naked! On the contrary, you get really mad everytime we put clothes on you. You are your father's son.
-You are in mostly 6 month clothes and even wear a few 9 months. You are wearing Old Navy shorts right now that are 6-12 months!
-You are still sleeping in your Nap Nanny in our room at night and are sleeping about 12 hours, waking up for 3-4 feedings and going right back to sleep after each one. Your naps during the day are only for about 20 minutes at a time (usually 2-3 of them a day), but we can't complain since you're doing so well at night.
-You wake up so happy in the mornings....Mommy loves morning snuggles with you!

Apparently when I was little, around age 2, jellies were the only shoes I would wear. My grandmothers still tease me about it to this day. So when Nana sent Bear these adorable baby blue jellies last week, she knew this Momma was gonna be obsessed. 80 degree weather in Houston today just screamed, "Put jellies on Bear and take a nice long walk", so that's exactly what we did. Thank you for the new kicks, Nana!

We can't believe our Little Man is 15 weeks old and will be 4 months (FOUR MONTHS!) on the 18th. It seems like just yesterday we were preparing his nursery (that he's still yet to sleep in) and anxiously awaiting the day we'd meet our son. Now that he's here, we can't imagine life without him.
We love you more than you'll ever know, Bear Clayton.

 p.s. I do put shorts/pants on my baby...I just take them off for these pictures to document his size and show off his chubby thighs :).

Hope your Monday was a great one!