(not so new)Newlywed Link-up

I don't usually do Q&A's but after seeing this post on my friend Whitney's blog I thought it'd be fun for Z and I to answer the questions, too. Z and I have been married almost two years but still consider ourselves semi-newlyweds. We're new parents...does that count?
Whit found the link up over at Passion, Pink & Pearls (a blog you gotta check out! she is super creative and talented).
Here goes nothin'...
ONE:What advice would you give a friend who found out that he/she is getting married?
B: Soak up every moment and don't stress out over wedding planning. The wedding will come and go but your marriage is forever.
Z: Just get her whatever she wants.

TWO:Do you have a pet name for your spouse? If so, what is it?
B: Yes, Z-Bear. I called him that, and he called me B-Bear, long before we were expecting our son. Funny how that worked out! Now I tend to call him Papa Bear more; it just fits :).
Z: Smallz and B-Bear

THREE:What are 3 things that your spouse cannot live without?
B: his tools (he's always making and/or fixing something!), cheeseburgers (his favorite meal), and
his truck. He grew up on a farm so he can't imagine driving anything else!
Z: her blog, her clothes/closet, her new son, Bear

FOUR:What is your favorite date idea? (something you have or haven't done)
B: Simple, dinner and a movie. Maybe take a long walk afterwards...I love walking with Zach. That's when we have our very best, deepest talks. We aren't too picky around these parts, we just like being together.
Z: Ditching the dinner and movie to cuddle on the couch.

FIVE:Is there a book or movie that reminds you of your marriage with your spouse? If so, which one and why?
This isn't a book or a movie, but I'd probably say Lorelai and Luke from Gilmore Girls. Granted we didn't have a 7 year relationship pre-marriage (and I don't have a 16 year old child), but Zach is Mr. Fix It and we tease each other like they do. Lorelai and Luke compliment each other really well and I see that with Z and myself; we help "fill in each other's blanks". I also call him my Mr. Darcy, so Pride & Prejudice deserves a shout-out (though the story-line is really nothing like our relationship other than the whole falling in love part).
Z: The Notebook because the city girl ends up with the country boy.

SIX: Rate the very last kiss you had with your spouse. How was it on a scale of 1-10?
B: 8 maybe? Z has a pretty nasty stomach bug so we're trying not to spread germs.
Z: Every kiss is a 10
^"kiss" up

SEVEN:What was the very first thing you noticed about your spouse when you first met??
B: His dimple. He only has one, on his left cheek, and it's adorable. Caught my eye right away. (Bear got two :) )
Z: Her eyes...they were pretty.

EIGHT:What was the very first gift your spouse ever gave you?
B: A flight to Houston to see him.... first "gifty" gift was a breakfast tray with pictures of us and my name engraved.
Z: a photobook with pictures of our first two months together

NINE:Is there anything you sacrificed when you married your spouse? If so, what?
B: Being close to family...we live almost 7 hours away now. But it could be much worse, so we can't complain.
Z: My billfold. Aka new house, new car, new baby

TEN: What would your spouse say is the funniest photo of you? Try & describe the picture, or post it below!
B: Z loves this picture and I have no idea why. He thinks I look so silly and "rascally". This was on our first official date; we were driving to an A&M football game.
Z: I look ridiculous sitting on this bucket during our engagement session....she always cracks up 'til she cries when she looks at it.
 Hope you've all had a fantastic weekend! Can't wait to catch up on your blogs!