A Belated Happy Sibling Day

 I didn't realize until around midnight last night that yesterday was National Sibling Day (I'm in my own little world of footed jammies and dirty diapers over here). Considering I have the two best brothers a girl could ask for (totally not biased, either), I couldn't let this so-called holiday slip by without recognizing their immense importance in my life.
Shane and Ryan are, and always will be, my heroes.
a few oldies but goodies (hey, it's also Throwback Thursday!)

Christmas '12
 Shane is a captain in the Army (soon to be major!) and is stationed in Honolulu with his beautiful wife, Scarlett.
Ryan is in his first year at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.
Two different branches, one main goal= to protect, defend, and serve our great nation.
I couldn't be more proud two call these two my brothers. 
 I love you, brudders, and can't thank you enough for putting up with all my crap over the years :). I miss you every day.