DIY Crepe Paper Rosette Wreath


Have you ever had one of those heartbreaking moments when you think you came up with the most ingenius idea ever, only to see it floating around on Pinterest two days later? That's exactly what happened with these pretty little paper roses, also seen here on The Idea Room.

I'm a sucker for pretty, inexpensive crafts. If you make something yourself, it should be cost effective (aka cheap), right? If not, then why not save yourself the trouble and just buy whatever it is you're making in a store?

Hello, summer! (in Houston, anyway)
I'm proud to say this wreath cost a total of $4 to make (I already had hot glue gun/glue and burlap. Crepe paper rolls are $1 at most places and the wreath was on sale for $1.85 at Michael's). If you remember this project, then you know I'm challenging myself to keep homemade wreaths as inexpensive as possible. Makes Momma happy, Daddy happy, and Baby, well, he doesn't really care (is there milk in that wreath?).
 Here's how you can make your own:

Tear off a piece of crepe paper several feet long. You'll want to do all different lengths so your roses will vary in size. 

Crinkle up the paper in your hand.

Straighten it out.

Fold paper in half.

Begin rolling from the center out.

As you roll, twist the paper and add dabs of hot glue every few rolls to secure. There's no real method to this, and no way to mess it up, just make little twists here and there and you'll see what I mean.

Once you reach the end, glue it down and viola! A pretty little rosette. Wasn't that easy?

These are so quick and simple to make, pretty soon you'll be swimming in them! They're versatile, too; you can glue them on tons of different things. I glued some extras onto twigs from our backyard, put them in a vase, and made a fun little arrangement for one of our guest bedrooms.

Back to the wreath making...
Glue rosettes onto wreath; you'll know what looks pretty.

I tied a burlap bow, but you can add any "flair" you'd like. I just love the texture and look of burlap (Zach teased me and told me I could've done a better bow; I told him it's "shabby chic" and not supposed to be perfect).

Finish gluing on rosettes and hang your new wreath up for all to see! Quite inviting, don't you think?
My two best friends from college are headed down to stay with us this weekend and I'm all kinds of crazy-person-excited. Nana's Fudge Cake is baking in the oven, goodie sacks filled with treats are waiting on the guest beds, and Bear is almost crawling (wild, right?) just in time to show off for his aunties. Plus, it's Master's weekend! Chalking up to be epic. Expect lots of pictures, paired with long-winded stories, on Monday.
Happy Weekend, y'all!